A Walk with Ancestors

A Walk with Ancestors

Thursday, October 27, 2016


An Exciting Discovery

In my earlier posts I have been covering the Gupton family and yesterday I did a google search for Kindred Gupton. I was actually looking into the Kindred Gupton that left Missouri and went to Texas. But you never know what you will discover when you do that kind of search. 

Google found an article about Jacob Holt that mentioned Kindred Gupton and my 2 times great grandfather, John L. Neal. 

Who was Jacob Holt???

Jacob Holt was a builder from Prince Edward County, Virginia. He came to Warren County, North Carolina in the 1840's where he established a workshop and contracting business. In the 1850 Federal Census he was living in Warrenton with a workforce of 13 Virginians and 5 North Carolinian carpenters. Kindred Gupton and John L. Neal were two of the carpenters from North Carolina.

 The page is a bit faded but you should be able to see that John and Kindred are the last two listed.

It is said that when Jacob came to Warren County it was the wealthiest county of the state. Jacob was a carpenter - builder - architect that is credited with over twenty buildings in Virginia and North Carolina. Some are still standing today. 

Jacob established one of the states largest antebellum building firms.

To learn more about Jacob and to see images of some of his building go to the link below.

Going through the list on the webpage above I discovered that he built for the Rodwell family. Could this be the way he met and married Ann Rodwell?

John L.'s son, John T. Neal moved to Centerville.. Jacob built at least two homes that are not far from the home of John T. Could this answer the question, why did he come to Centerville??

Of course, we will probably never know the answers to these questions, but it certainly gives us something to ponder. 

One of his buildings can be found in the news:

In the Centerville area he is credited with:
The Archibald Taylor House in Wood

Dr. Samuel Perry House

Vine Hill

Cherry Hill in Warren County

Eaton Place in Warren County was one of the first homes he built
The Exchange Hotel in Oxford

What an exciting feeling it is to know that my great great grandfather was involved in the building of some of these beautiful homes many of which are still standing!

Just proves that not all of the records are on the traditional genealogy sites! Some genealogy gems are just waiting to be discovered!!

Thanks for stopping by!

Saturday, October 22, 2016

The Gupton Family

Stephen Gupton

Of Marion County Missouri

Much has been written about Stephen Gupton who settled in Missouri. He was one of the first settlers in that area, around 1819.

Stephen was born in North Carolina to Cooper Gupton and Temperance Warren about 1800. Stephen left North Carolina when he was twelve and went to Tennessee, then to Kentucky and finally to Missouri. However he only stayed one year in Missouri  before returning to Kentucky to take care of his property. Within a few months he had disposed of his property and returned to Missouri. 

Stephen came to Missouri with his brother, Arrington, who was also born in North Carolina about 1813.

Stephen married the widow Elizabeth Simmons on 15 Apr 1824. Her maiden name was Elizabeth Montgomery. They were married in Marion Missouri. She was the mother of three children; Patty, Alexander and Johnny (Johnny died in infancy). It is said that Elizabeth was one of the emigrants with whom Stephen came to Missouri. 
Stephen and Elizabeth had the following children.
  • baby girl that died or was still born
  • Cooper
  • Mary Jane
  • Judith Ann
  • Arrington or Arlington - probably Arlington
  • Stephen
  • William R - died during his fifth year
  • William Andrew Jackson 
  • Rebecca
  • Jackson (unsure)
  • Kindred
  • James Alfred
  • Lorenzo
  • Cager or M C
  • James Carter

Recorded on 1 Jul 1841 is a land grant for 160 acres for Stephen.

Land Grant

This is just one of his land grants in Missouri.

Found in the history of Marion County, Missouri published in 1884, are the following stories about Stephen.
Old Stephen Gupton was a character. It is said of him that he never wore a laundered shirt in his life, and that in the coldest weather his bosom would be exposed to the snow and the blasts.
Old Uncle Stephen Gupton was an eccentric character, but an honest, generous man. Usually wore a linsey shirt with the collar unbuttoned, and the greater portion of his neck, and breast bared to the zephyrs of summer and the blasts of winter alike. It is said he never wore a laundered shirt in his life, and a cotton shirt with a collar but once.. "When I was married," he said, "they made me wear a white shirt, but the durned thing choked me so that the next morning I took it off, and never wore it again"
But rough as was the exterior of "Uncle Steve", his heart was as generous as his manners were rugged. Dr. Tipton relates this incident: In the summer of 1853 there was a great deal of bilious fever in the country. Quinine was $8 per ounce. Dr. Tipton, then practicing in the country, had exhausted his stock of this drug, and his pocket-book was empty and the majority of his patients were poor. He had not money to buy quinine and quinine must be had. In this extremity he went to old Steve, and said, "Uncle Steve, I am out of quinine, and I can't cure these people without it; I haven't the money to buy it - can you lend it to me?" Mr. Gupton answered; "No, Doc, I haven't got a d___ dollar," and then after many other rough expressions, big oaths and much stupendous "cussing" of the "luck" the hard times and the fever, he added: "But Jack Nichols was here yesterday and wanted to buy my oxen, and I will take them down to him right away and sell them, and you shall have the money. That's what's the matter" Accordingly, the next day, Mr. Gupton drove his oxen down to Col. John Nichols below Palmyra, sold them, and gave the money, $45, to Dr. Tipon, and the amount was all invested in quinine, and administered to the poor fever-stricken people, and doubtless many a life was saved. Mr. Gupton frequently used the expression, "That's what's the matter," clinching nearly every assertion he made with the phrase.
 Stephen passed away on 15 Dec 1875.

 Stephen died without making his will...
The Palmyra - Fri Jan 9 1880

Marion Co Herald Fri Mar 23 1883

James, Kindred, and Lorenzo had left the state moving to California and Texas.

Thanks for stopping by! 
During the next posts I hope to explore the Gupton family of Missouri.



Tuesday, October 18, 2016

The Gupton Family

The Children of James Gupton Jr.


I believe that Martha is my link to James Gupton Sr. However, as family genealogists, we occasionally come across that one record that stops us in our tracks and makes us question our research. 

Starting with my grandmother Jodie Radford I can make all the connections up to Martha Gupton. That is not an issue. But the link to Martha and her father is my problem now. I could ignore that one record but it would always make me question that connection and when in doubt.....

That one record is the 1880 Federal Census. 

Algenon is the son of William Evans and Martha Gupton. In 1880 he is living in Thomas J Gupton's household and listed as "nephew".. This Thomas J Gupton is the son of Stephen Gupton and has a sister Martha that never marries.. OR is that wrong?

Martha passed away before the 1870 Federal Census. In 1880 William was still living in the Sandy Creek Township with five of his children. 

Martha had 10 children between 1843 and 1865 when her last child was born. 

Her daughter, Cleopatra married Wesley Radford and had a large family also. This is a picture of Wesley Radford and his ten sons. Cleopatra was the mother of nine of the sons. I will be discussing this family on a later date.

Back to the issue for  today. What am I to do.... 

I have to go back and look at my previous research and make sure I have the correct Thomas and Martha children of James Gupton Jr.

One reason I believe I have the right Martha, is the results of my DNA test. It shows that James Gupton is my 4 times great grandfather.  I share DNA with other descendants of James but through other children. (Daniel and Thomas) There are 13 members of this DNA circle and I share DNA with all of them.

As I continue to research this "problem" document, I will continue to post about the Gupton family.
It might be time to look to Missouri.....

Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

The Gupton Family

The Children of James Gupton Jr.

Thomas Gupton

Thomas has proven to be a difficult man to research. Why? Thomas was born about 1808 and his census records list household members but not relationships for most of his lifetime, However, with research and digging I made some interesting discoveries. The 1870 and 1880 census show his grandchildren living in the household not his children. During the Civil War Archibald was killed so his children joined his parents household. His daughter, Tempy, lost her husband during the war too. Mary, Thomas' daughter, also lost her husband. 

Thomas's marriage bond was issued on 9 Jan 1828. He married Elizabeth Vincent. His bondsman was Isaac Gupton. This Isaac could have been the Isaac that was the son of Stephen Gupton and Nancy Portis.

Thomas and Bettie's first child was William. He was born approximately in 1830. There is confusion about which William he is. He is NOT the William that married Marina Gupton. She was his sister.
I am still struggling to place him. 

Their second child was Archibald.In the 1840 Federal Census William and Archibald are in the correct column for their ages. By the 1850 the household looks like:
The children listed are all children of Thomas and Betsy.

In the 1860 Census

Thomas and Betsy with 7 of their children are living next to Archibald who has married Frances Pearce. Their bond issued on 1 Nov 1855. Their children are William P (Plummer) and Amanda.

On the 1860 Federal Census the pages before and after the one with Thomas and his family and Archibald and his family are many Gupton households and Leonard households. But there is not a William Gupton of the correct age living near the family. There are 3 William Guptons about the same age as the one I am looking for.... needs more research. Another Gupton I am trying to piece together is Ann. Did she marry Thomas Buck Gupton?

Between 1850 and 1860 the following children of Thomas got married:

Tempy married James Calvin Wood, their bond issued on 11 Dec 1850. Below is their 1860 census record.

James married Martha J Leonard, their bond issued on 16 Jan 1855. This is their 1860 record and they are living next to Archibald.

Thomas married Eliza Jane Griffin, their bond issued 21 Sep 1858. They are in Nash County.

Sally is believed to have passed away before the 1860 census.

Mary married shortly after the 1860 census. She married James Fuller, their bond issued 19 Sep 1860.

Then the Civil War, with it came changes to many families.

James H Gupton died at Yorktown on 29 Sep 1861.
Archibald died in Franklin County on 15 Sep 1863, most likely from sickness or injury from the war.
Thomas Henry was killed in action on 18 Jul 1864.
Tempy's husband, James Wood was killed in action on 27 Oct 1864.
James Fuller and Wiley Gupton both served and survived the war.
There are several records for William Gupton.. some that died during the war.

The 1870 Census reflects the tragedy of war.

Living with Thomas and Bettie are Archibald's children. Since they are in the household Frances must have passed away also.

Matilda married George A Gupton the son of William Buck and Mourning Harris. Their bond was issued 25 Oct 1866.

Wiley and his wife Lucy are living next to Thomas. Wiley married Lucy Wood in 1867.

I have not been able to find Tempy in the 1870 census.

Eaton married Bettie Davis, their bond was issued 14 Jan 1869.

David married Harriet Wester, their bond was issued on 4 Feb 1874.

In 1877 another tragic event changed lives.
It was recorded in several newspapers.

The Observer Wed Aug 8 1877

The Tarborough Southern Thru Aug 9 1877

In the 1880 Census James Fuller and Mary are both missing. One of their sons is living with Thomas and Betsy (David) another is living with James and Susan Pearce (Jimmie)

In 1889 Thomas passed away and his son David was the executor as seen in the newspaper.

The Franklin Times Fri Oct 4 1889

Thomas's wife Elizabeth passed away sometime after 1880.

Tempy passed away in 1908.

In 1908 Wiley applied for pension for his service in the Civil War. 

Matilda passed 4 Mar 1914.

Martha never married and died 18 Oct 1926.

Eaton passed away on 1 Dec 1926.

David died on 12 Oct 1927.

Wiley passed away 9 Jan 1931.

 Thanks for dropping by!
Next week I will be looking at another child of James Gupton.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

The Gupton Family

The Children of James Gupton Jr.

Daniel Gupton

Daniel was born approximately in 1807 in Franklin County, North Carolina. He was the son of Patsy Pearey, James Gupton's' first wife.  In the will of James Gupton Daniel was made co executor with his step mother Lucy. From the will we are left with the impression that Daniel had already received his land from his father. 

Daniel married Jacobina Gupton the daughter of Isaac Gupton and Mary Gilliam. She was called Jacky.  Daniel and Jacky's marriage bond was issued on 24 Jul 1832 in Franklin County. Joshua Brown was the Bondsman. 

The Children of Daniel and Jacobina Gupton

  1. Lurena born in August but the year on census is 1834 and 1837. 1834 is found the most often on records. Lurena married James Brewer on 13 Oct 1858 in Franklin County. He was the son of John "Jack" Brewer and Polly Leonard. Lurena last appears in the census of 1910. In 1920 James was a widow. So Lurena died between 1910 and 1920. I have not found her death certificate or a grave. 
  2. Patsy G. was born around 1834 and died single before 1880
  3. Mary Angeline was born around 1838 and appears in the 1850 and 1860 census only.
  4. Edgar was born in 1839. He served in the Civil War and died 23 May 1922. 
  5. Olivia V also has conflicting birth information. She was born either in October of 1842 or on 5 Nov 1840. The 1840 date was on her death certificate. She also married a Brewer. She married John Brewer Jr on 15 Nov 1875. Her death certificate has her death as 7 Jan 1920.
  6. Sarah F was born, according to her death certificate, on 30 Nov 1847. She married Sidney Joyner the son of Amos Alfred Joyner after he returned from the Civil War. They were married on 30 Feb 1867 in Franklin County, North Carolina. Sarah appears on the 1920 census with Sidney in Nashville, Nash County, North Carolina. On that census Sidney's occupation is a butcher. Sarah passed away on 20 Jun 1928. Sadly one of her children, A.H. committed suicide on 14 Feb 1915 when he was about 24. Sidney passed away on 12 Apr 1930.
  7. Cornealius "Niece" E was born around 1850. He married Cornealia Collins the daughter of James T. Collins and Mariah Cope. She was Seraphna Collins Murphy Leonard's sister. Cornealius died on 3 Mar 1929. Cornealia passed away before 1900.
  8. Jacky D. appears in the 1860 census as 5 years old. 
  9. Josephella was born around 1856. On census records she was named Joseph E. twice. She died single at the age of 78 from TB on 20 Aug 1934.
Because Josephella was named Joseph E on census records some family pedigree charts have Daniel with a Joseph E as a son. However when looking at those records Joseph E is a female. I do not believe that there was another child by that name. 

Daniel passed away in 1856 according to probate records. Jacobina passed away around 1890.

Next blog will be about Thomas Gupton, another son of James. (Brother to Daniel)

Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

The Gupton Family

James Gupton Jr.

James Gupton Sr. wrote his will in 1802 and was returned in 1807. In his will he lists his children and makes his brother, Stephen, his executor. 

To his son James he left one yearling that was already in his possession. 

James Jr. was born about 1770 -  in Bute County, North Carolina if his age listed in the 1830 and 1840 census is correct. While several of his siblings left North Carolina, James chose to stay in North Carolina. 

James was married twice. His first marriage was to Patsy Pearey on 8 Jan 1804. He was about 34 at the time of this marriage. Patsy probably passed away in 1813. They had two children; Daniel and Martha. Since Martha is reportedly born in 1813 I wonder if Patsy died in childbirth. James was in need of a mother for his young children. On 23 Sep 1813 he married Lucy Jean. They had four children; Thomas, Robert, William and Unis.

I can find James in the 1830 and 1840 Federal Census, however I have not been able to locate him in earlier ones. In the 1830 Census there are three female children living in the household and in 1840 only two are listed. Since James only lists two daughters in his will, we are left wondering if he lost a daughter or was someone outside his immediate family living in the house in 1830. Another question that may never be answered. 

James' will was recorded in 1845. He left his son Thomas a part of the land where James was living, between 80 and 100 acres. To Unis, his daughter, he also left land, about 40 or 50 acres. To his son Robert he left the remainder of the land on that side of the road, about 80 or 100 acres. To his daughter, Martha, he left the land that she was living on, about 40 or 50 acres. It appears that he had already deeded land to his son Daniel. In the description of Martha's land he states that her land runs to Daniel's land. Daniel and his wife Lucy, are executors of his estate. 

In my next post I will tell the story of the children of James Gupton Jr.

Thanks for stopping by!

The Gupton Family

Abner Gupton 

Abner, son of Robert Thomas and Henrietta Power

Abner James was born on 16 Nov 1841. While in the Civil War he was promoted to assistant-surgeon on the battlefield. He was examined by the medical board in 1863 which he passed. At the end of the war he returned home and began practicing medicine. In 1866 he moved to New Providence Tennessee and then in 1875 moved to Morley Missouri. In 1866 he married Mary F. Crow who was born in Alabama and the daughter of Issac Crow a native of South Carolina. He was active in his church, the Methodist Episcopal Church, where he was one of the trustees and Sunday School Superintendent. They had the following children:

  • Fanny Bunch was born on 25 Jun 1867 in Montgomery Tennessee. She married the physician, Richard Alvin Sparks on 7 Sep 1892. He was the son of Jacob Sparks who was also a physician. Fannie died on 12 Feb 1952 in Howard, Missouri.
  • Harrison was born in 1869 and died in 1878.
  • Earnest Power was born on 11 May 1872 and died 12 Jul 1876.
  • Mary Patterson "Pattie" was born 11 Jan 1879. She married John Maurice Beardslee on 26 Mar 1902. John was a merchant in first a dry goods store and then a traveling salesman in the hardward industry. Pattie passed away on 4 Aug 1948. 

Next up; James Gupton's other children - the ones that stayed in North Carolina.

Thanks for stopping by!