A Walk with Ancestors

A Walk with Ancestors

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Neal Family Research

An Unexpected Find

It is always a wonderful feeling to make the connections that affirm your research. The other day I discovered the following document.

The Virginia Genealogist Volume 24 page 49
John Neal's son, John, is in Warren County North Carolina! It looks as if the war has cost the Neal family any possible wealth. Why is John working as an overseer?

I am hoping that I will discover the story behind this move etc. So, I am back researching. 
But where do I look now? Then I find this:

It appears that John has ties to Lunenburg County, Virginia. I guess that is a good place to start.
And lo and behold, in Lunenburg, there are several Neals. 

This may go back to the creation of counties. Lunenburg was part of Brunswick? 

Ya'll know what I will be doing for the next few days....

Thanks for stopping by!!


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