A Walk with Ancestors

A Walk with Ancestors

Friday, April 14, 2017

Lewis E. Bartholomew - My 3 times great grandfather

Lewis E. Bartholomew

Lewis lived about 80 years according to the newspaper. It is funny that as researchers we find that starting with death we get the most clues about our ancestors lives. It is in looking at Lewis' will that I was able to determine that he was married twice. So many family trees have taken his wife at his death and his earlier marriage records and combined them into one. But looking at the age of his first wife at the time of the birth of his last child that things look very wrong. Charles May Bartholomew was born in 1872 and Harty, Lewis' first wife would have been in her 60s.. not likely. The next clue is Charles' middle name, May. 

Here is the story of Lewis E. Bartholomew.....

Lewis was born around 1812 or 13 to Lewis Bartholomew and Lucy Ruth Bennett. He was their third child. The custom of the time was to name the first male child after the husband's father and the second after the child's father. This is what Lewis and Ruth did.  On 9 Jun 1831 a marriage bond was issued for Lewis and Harty Jackson. The census records seem to indicate that Harty was much older than Lewis, possibly 5 or 6 years. A year or 10 months later Sidney Wiley Bartholomew was born to Lewis and Harty. They would have 8 children together. 

There is a Lewis E. Bartholomew that served in the Civil War. According to records he was 16 at the time he enlisted. This is definitely not my Lewis Bartholomew, he would have been in his 50s then. I had to wonder if this was another son of Lewis and Harty but 1840 and 1850 Census Records do not support this. 

I have been unable to locate Lewis and Harty in the 1860 census records. I will continue to look.

The 1870 Census is the last time Harty appears in the records and 2 years later Charles May was born. Then came the search for Susan May...

Susan was the widow of William Stone that did not survive the war. Susan and William had one daughter and one son, William, before he died. Their daughter, Anna, would marry William G. Collins, the son of James T. Collins and Mariah Cope (my 3 times grandparents on the Leonard side) Susan and Lewis' son, Charles May Bartholomew married twice. His second wife was Lille Neal. It is very possible that Lillie was Transberry Neal's sister. Transberry married my great great aunt Bettie Neal. We must not forget that two of Lewis Bartholomew's granddaughters married John T. Neal my great grandfather. John T. and Bettie were brother and sister. Talk about your family ties!!

Lewis passed away in August of 1889 as reported in The Franklin Times.
The Franklin Times 16 Aug 1889

Charles May was 17 when his father passed away. Lewis wrote his will in 1881 and made sure that his youngest son was provided for. 

Lewis was very specific when he wrote his will - leaving six hundred pounds of pork and four hundred pounds of bacon, seventy-five pounds of lard, one hundred pounds of sugar, twenty-five pounds of coffee, among other items to Susan in trust for her support.

Lewis appointed his son-in-laws as executors of the estate.

In the 1900 Census, Susan is living with her son William and his wife. Also living in the hone is Louis Taylor Bartholomew, the son of Charles May Bartholomew. His wife Florence had passed away the year before. Charles was a conductor on the train from Rocky Mount to Richmond. In 1901 he married Lillie Neal in Manchester Virginia. 

Susan appears in the 1910 Census, on this census she is listed as head of household and 77 years old. Charles Taylor is still living with her, as well as William Stone and his family. This is the last time Susan appears in records. 

Thanks for stopping by! I hope to blog about Lewis and Harty's children next, before moving on the Lewis and Lucy Bartholomew, the parents of Lewis E. 


Thursday, April 13, 2017

The Children of Sidney Wiley Bartholomew

Sidney and Martha's Children

The number of children Sidney and Martha had is a bit confusing. Martha said on the 1900 Federal Census that she had one child and one living child. In 1910 she said that she had 6 children and 5 were living. I have 8 children born to Sidney and Martha. 

  • 1) Mary E. Bartholomew - b.1856 - d. Aft 1870 when she was 13 on the census. I have not found any information on her other that this. 
  • 2) Wiley L. Bartholomew - b. 20 Aug 1858 - d Aft 1900 when he appeared on the census as single and living in Castalia.
  • 3) Onerah "Onie" Margaret (Maggie, Honora) - b.22 Sep 1860 d. 8 Oct 1912. She married James May 10 Jan 1881
  • 4) Sidney Jackson Bartholomew - b. 6 Jun 1863 - d. 20 Aug 1932 He married Sallie Julia Clements 10 Oct 1888. Sidney was in the newspaper many times. A few of those are below:
The Franklin Times 4 Apr 1902
The Franklin Times 22 Aug 1902

The Franklin Times 18 Sep 1903

The Franklin Times 23 Nov 1906
I particularly like the 1906 article because it tells us that Sidney's wife had a millinery business and it mentions my great aunt, Hattie. J.T. Neal was my great grandfather.

The Franklin Times 27 Aug 1909

Doesn't everybody make the paper when they buy a car?

Back to the children:
  • 5) Luna Lee Bartholomew - b.13 Dec 1866  d. 10 Jun 1901  Married John T. Neal 24 Apr 1889. (4 children) 
  • 6) Thomas H. Bartholomew  b. 2 Aug 1873  d. Aft 1880 when records stop
  • 7) Pattie Davis Bartholomew  b. 7 Nov 1877   d. 7 Jun 1916  Married John Andrews
  • 8) Jodie D. Bartholomew   b. 7 Feb 1881    d. 14 Feb 1917   Married John T. Neal. My great grandmother and mother of Lewis S. Neal.
Observations or Notes:  Jodie came to live with John and Luna when Luna was ill. Martha Bartholomew lived with the family until she passed away. They are all buried at Mt. Zion Baptist Church. Pattie married John Andrews and lived next door. She is possibly where my name came from since my father chose my name many years later. 

Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Sidney Wiley Bartholomew - Great Great Grandfather

Sidney Wiley Bartholomew

Father of Luna Lee and Jodie D.

Sisters that married John T. Neal

When Jodie D. Bartholomew married John T. Neal in 1901 she brought in the Bartholomew branch of our family tree. John and Jodie had one son, Lewis Sidney Neal, my grandfather. Since I have already written about them I will turn to Sidney Bartholomew now.

Sidney had quite a life! He was successful in business, held several patents with the US Government and fought in the Civil War.

Sidney was born 6 Apr 1832 in Franklin County, North Carolina to Lewis Bartholomew and Harty (Susan) Jackson. He was their oldest child. 

On 1 Nov 1854 he married Martha C. Lancaster of Nash County. I believe he was married by Plummer Pearce my 3 times great grandfather. Plummer was from the Red Bud section of Franklin County which is not far from Nash County. Below is the marriage bond issued 28 Oct 1854. Henry G. Leonard was his bondsman. 

So far I have not been able to find Sidney and Martha in the 1860 Federal Census Records. Interestingly I can not find his father in the 1860 Census either. 

The next record I have found is his enlistment in the Confederate Army. Sidney entered the service as 1st Sergeant in Company D (Castalia Invincibles) on 24 Feb 1862. From this record we find out that Sidney was a 30 year old gunsmith and 5 ft 7 inches tall. On this form he has listed his birth place as Nash County. His family was living in Franklin County around the time of his birth.

Sidney appears in the 1870 Federal Census living in the Washington Township of Nash County.
1870 Census

Sidney's brother, Whitney, is living two houses away. 

In 1873 Sidney/Sydney Bartholomew patented his Wash Boilers - The Franklin Courier reports on the event below.

25 Apr 1873

In 1880 we find the family growing and living in Castalia.

1880 Census
Sidney continued to invent!

In 1883 Cotton Elevator

In 1892 - Fire Tongs

Apr 7 1893

Sidney passed away in 1894 but I do not know where he is buried. His wife, Martha, is buried at Mt Zion Baptist Church. 

Sidney's son, Sidney, seemed to have inherited his father's drive. I might have to write about him sometime soon. 

Thanks for stopping by!

Saturday, April 8, 2017

John Neal of Brunswick County, Virginia

John Neal Sr.

Searching in Virginia for records can be difficult because of the damage done to records through wars etc. I began my search in Brunswick County, Virginia and found some records. Turning back to the Virginia Genealogist I discovered another clue.

In 1780 John was in Lunenburg County, Virginia and then moved to Brunswick County. I believe that he was first in Amelia County, Virginia. I continue to search for his records.

What records can I find for John?

On 5 Aug 1769 John married Susannah Smith, daughter of Cuthbert in Brunswick County.

Although John's will does not list his children by name, I have been able to find the following children.
  • John Jr.
  • Cuthbert
  • Elizabeth
  • Nancy
  • Joanna
John Jr. I have blogged about before.

Cuthbert Neal was born about 1770 in Brunswick. He first married Nancy Powell of Brunswick Co in 1794. In 1807 he married Lucy Robertson in Warren Co. NC. I believe one of his children was Thomas (son of Nancy) who married Nancy Thompson in 1822. In 1860 we find Dudley S. Neal's wife, Leacy and his children Edward and Angie living with them.

Elizabeth was born about 1771 and married Isaac Flood House in 1798. Elizabeth and Isaac remained in Brunswick County Virginia.

Nancy was born about 1772 and married Enos Scarbrough in 1798. After her death Enos moved to North Carolina. It is through Nancy that I have a DNA match and proved I am on the right track!

Joanna married Cuthbert Smith in 1807.

In Brunswick County 27 June 1791 the last will and testament of John Neal was proved by the oath of Elizabeth Athison, formerly Elizabeth Collier a witness and Susanna Collier also a witness. John wrote the will on 3 Aug 1783.

His will was transcribed by a kind soul and posted on the internet.

In the name of God Amen. I John Neal of the County of Brunswick being week (sic) of Body but of perfect & Sound mind and memory and Understanding thanks be to God for the same do make this my last Will and Testament in the Manner and form following, that is to say first and principally I commit my soul into the hands of almighty God that give it and my body to the Ground to be decently Buried at the Discretion of my executors hereafter named. 

Item      I lend and bequeath all my estate Real and personal to my well beloved wife Susannah Neal for her proper use during her life or widowhood then to be Equally divided amongst all my children to be to their use and to the heirs of their bodies lawfully begotten forever and lastly I appoint my brother Thomas Neal, Anthony Bennett and my well beloved wife, Susannah Neal, my whole and sole executors & executrix of this my last will and testament. 

In witness I have hereunto set my hand and seal this day of August 3rd 1783.

Joseph Bennett
John Neal (seal)
Elizabeth Collier
Susanna Collier
Mary Bennett (her mark)

John Neal's estate is later submitted to the court.

3 cows & calves & 2 stears
1 Negro fellow named Dick
1 Negro boy named Ben
1 Negro boy named Tobah
1 Negro girl named Jude
1 Negro girl named Delsy
1 Negro girl named Lilsey
1 Negro girl named Jane
1 Negro boy named Sam
1 Negro girl named Philis
26 head of hogs
4 head of horses
1 pair cart wheels
2 bedsteads, 2 beds and furniture
2 bedsteads, 2 beds and furniture
1 loom
3 potts and 1 cutch oven
a frying pan & skillet
1 G&....
4 basons and 11 spoons
12 plates & four dishes
12 geese
14 earthen plates
5 butter potts
3 jugs
6 chairs
Sundry articles
1 pail & 2 piggins
3 trays
6 barrels
3 churns
1 flex wheel, 1 tea kettle
1 bedstead and cord
1 ox ring & saddle stirrups
5 hilling hoes, 7 plough hoes
carpenters tools, 4 reap hooks
2 weeding hoes, 4 grubbing hoes
6 axes, 3 iron wedges
5 blankets and 1 rug
2 chests, 2 tables and a case of bottles
1 tea pott & 2 canisters, 6 cups and saucers
2 trunks, 2 cotton wheels
2 pr of cards
total 436.10 pounds

I am not giving up on this line just yet. Following the FAN approach I will look into the other children of John, his brother Thomas and the witnesses to his will. 

I am also researching Cuthbert Smith and Cuthbert Neal. 

So, I will be posting my finds on the Neal line in the future. During the search of the Neal family in Brunswick I have found many other family lines. I will also share these soon. 

Anyone with information about the Neal's??? Please share.

This is a peak at the family tree beginning with our John L. Neal.

Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, April 7, 2017

John Neal - From Brunswick Co. VA to Warren Co. NC

John Neal Jr.

John Neal came to Warren County NC from Brunswick Co. VA., the document that proves our ancestor is from Brunswick is this document found in the publications of Virginia Genealogists.

This one entry gives us the place where John came from and his father's name. It appears that the war had an economic affect on the family. When I was reading through these debts I found several Warren County residents. Did they move to escape the debts??

John Sr. was married to Susanna Smith. Susanna's father was Cuthbert Smith of Brunswick County.
John Sr. named a son Cuthert. Cuthbert Neal also came to Warren County, NC.

John Jr. married Milly Dudley House in Brunswick County on 25 Dec 1798. John and Milly would use the names Dudley and House when naming their children. Milly was also the sister of Isaac Flood House of Brunswick who married John's sister Elizabeth. With this Isaac House I am left with another puzzle to figure out. I,also, descend from the Isaac House that married Mary Duke, also of Warren County. Milly's parents were Jordan House and Elizabeth Phillips.

John came to Warren County NC before 1800. He appears in the 1800 Census in Warren County. That Census is tally marks - his tally marks translate like this below.

John is over 25, a free white male 26 to 44. From this we can guess at his birth year as before 1775. Milly and John have one child and there is one slave in the household. From Milly's father's will we know that the slave with them was" Chancey". Jordan left her to Milly Neal "who is with her". Milly had sisters named Nelly and Frankey. She named 2 of her daughters after these sisters. The other daughters were named for John's mother Susanna and his sister Elizabeth.

In 1803 John is listed as one of the purchasers at the estate sale of Amey Shearin.

In 1804 he was once again listed in the estate sale of Ralph Neal as well as being involved with the division of the slaves of Ralph Neal.

In 1805 John purchased at the estate sale of Jesse Bell.

The next record in Warren County is the 1818 Early NC Census Tax List. He was living in the Neal township at that time. 

In 1827 John Jr. passed away. His will gives us more information about his family. His will was proven in the August 1827 Court.

John gave his real property to his son William.To his daughters Elizabeth D., Nelly, Frances, and Susan he gave his personal property after the death of Milly. To his son Dudley S. he gave $1.
On his will he did not "leave his mark" so that means that John could at least write his name.

It was customary at that time to leave the land to the oldest son. The $1 for Dudley was probably to keep him from questioning the will in court. Dudley was already living on his own, so he may have already gotten his property from his father. Questions without answers.

Thanks for stopping by!