A Walk with Ancestors

A Walk with Ancestors

Saturday, April 8, 2017

John Neal of Brunswick County, Virginia

John Neal Sr.

Searching in Virginia for records can be difficult because of the damage done to records through wars etc. I began my search in Brunswick County, Virginia and found some records. Turning back to the Virginia Genealogist I discovered another clue.

In 1780 John was in Lunenburg County, Virginia and then moved to Brunswick County. I believe that he was first in Amelia County, Virginia. I continue to search for his records.

What records can I find for John?

On 5 Aug 1769 John married Susannah Smith, daughter of Cuthbert in Brunswick County.

Although John's will does not list his children by name, I have been able to find the following children.
  • John Jr.
  • Cuthbert
  • Elizabeth
  • Nancy
  • Joanna
John Jr. I have blogged about before.

Cuthbert Neal was born about 1770 in Brunswick. He first married Nancy Powell of Brunswick Co in 1794. In 1807 he married Lucy Robertson in Warren Co. NC. I believe one of his children was Thomas (son of Nancy) who married Nancy Thompson in 1822. In 1860 we find Dudley S. Neal's wife, Leacy and his children Edward and Angie living with them.

Elizabeth was born about 1771 and married Isaac Flood House in 1798. Elizabeth and Isaac remained in Brunswick County Virginia.

Nancy was born about 1772 and married Enos Scarbrough in 1798. After her death Enos moved to North Carolina. It is through Nancy that I have a DNA match and proved I am on the right track!

Joanna married Cuthbert Smith in 1807.

In Brunswick County 27 June 1791 the last will and testament of John Neal was proved by the oath of Elizabeth Athison, formerly Elizabeth Collier a witness and Susanna Collier also a witness. John wrote the will on 3 Aug 1783.

His will was transcribed by a kind soul and posted on the internet.

In the name of God Amen. I John Neal of the County of Brunswick being week (sic) of Body but of perfect & Sound mind and memory and Understanding thanks be to God for the same do make this my last Will and Testament in the Manner and form following, that is to say first and principally I commit my soul into the hands of almighty God that give it and my body to the Ground to be decently Buried at the Discretion of my executors hereafter named. 

Item      I lend and bequeath all my estate Real and personal to my well beloved wife Susannah Neal for her proper use during her life or widowhood then to be Equally divided amongst all my children to be to their use and to the heirs of their bodies lawfully begotten forever and lastly I appoint my brother Thomas Neal, Anthony Bennett and my well beloved wife, Susannah Neal, my whole and sole executors & executrix of this my last will and testament. 

In witness I have hereunto set my hand and seal this day of August 3rd 1783.

Joseph Bennett
John Neal (seal)
Elizabeth Collier
Susanna Collier
Mary Bennett (her mark)

John Neal's estate is later submitted to the court.

3 cows & calves & 2 stears
1 Negro fellow named Dick
1 Negro boy named Ben
1 Negro boy named Tobah
1 Negro girl named Jude
1 Negro girl named Delsy
1 Negro girl named Lilsey
1 Negro girl named Jane
1 Negro boy named Sam
1 Negro girl named Philis
26 head of hogs
4 head of horses
1 pair cart wheels
2 bedsteads, 2 beds and furniture
2 bedsteads, 2 beds and furniture
1 loom
3 potts and 1 cutch oven
a frying pan & skillet
1 G&....
4 basons and 11 spoons
12 plates & four dishes
12 geese
14 earthen plates
5 butter potts
3 jugs
6 chairs
Sundry articles
1 pail & 2 piggins
3 trays
6 barrels
3 churns
1 flex wheel, 1 tea kettle
1 bedstead and cord
1 ox ring & saddle stirrups
5 hilling hoes, 7 plough hoes
carpenters tools, 4 reap hooks
2 weeding hoes, 4 grubbing hoes
6 axes, 3 iron wedges
5 blankets and 1 rug
2 chests, 2 tables and a case of bottles
1 tea pott & 2 canisters, 6 cups and saucers
2 trunks, 2 cotton wheels
2 pr of cards
total 436.10 pounds

I am not giving up on this line just yet. Following the FAN approach I will look into the other children of John, his brother Thomas and the witnesses to his will. 

I am also researching Cuthbert Smith and Cuthbert Neal. 

So, I will be posting my finds on the Neal line in the future. During the search of the Neal family in Brunswick I have found many other family lines. I will also share these soon. 

Anyone with information about the Neal's??? Please share.

This is a peak at the family tree beginning with our John L. Neal.

Thanks for stopping by!

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