A Walk with Ancestors

A Walk with Ancestors

Monday, June 19, 2017

Ancestry, IDrive and Legacy

Saving Data

On FaceBook I am a member of several genealogy pages. One of the topics of discussion on most of them has been changes to Ancestry and the need to save our data. I will admit that I hate to enter the data into my genealogy software. It feels like it is so time consuming, and it is. BUT it needs to be done.

It has been reported on FaceBook that people have "lost" their tree or their data. When I started seeing this I was ready to panic. I have over 5,000 people in my tree and I don't have them all in my software program. 

Translated; I will be doing this everyday - for an hour or two, until I get caught up. 

I started using Legacy Family Tree software a few years ago. I read reviews and decided this program was for me. I do not have any regrets. I like the software. They recently updated the program to a new  version and this morning I purchased the upgrade. The new version actually searches the key websites for information about your ancestors and you can go directly to the sites to see what they have found. There are new reports that include DNA and BINGO cards for reunions or family gathering. But a new feature is their CLOUD. Now you can back up your data to their cloud and it makes transferring data easier.  There are more features and I don't want to sound like a commercial so I will stop and say, if you are interested in learning more go to the Legacy Family Tree website.

I also have the IDrive which is another data storing site and an external hard drive. Every night any new data I have downloaded or created is backed up automatically. I do not print all the documents that I have found, I store them in folders within my genealogy folder. It is safe on IDrive so I don't need to print it. I do not print census records and other things that are standard on most genealogy sites. I do print documents that are not readily available and either put them in a binder or a folder after saving it to my computer.

What this means is I have to divide my time now between researching and recording the data. I hope to continue to add to the blog at the same time. So glad to be retired!

I will be back soon!

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