A Walk with Ancestors

A Walk with Ancestors

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Who was Catherine Murphy?

The Murphy Family

About 1779 Catherine Murphy married William Leonard in North Carolina. William was the son of John Leonard and his wife Mary. John is the Leonard that our Leonard family line descends from. My mama was a Leonard. However, it is through his son Frederick, not William. It is through my grandmother, Iva West, that I descend from William through the Gupton line. Does that make John Leonard my double 5 times great grandfather??

Catherine was the daughter of Arthur Murphy. Arthur moved his family to North Carolina around 1760, we think. He was born in Albemarle Parish, Surry County, Virginia around 1730. When Arthur died in 1803 Catherine had already passed away. She is not mentioned in her father's will but her son was, Vandeo Van Leonard. When her brother James passed away in 1794 Catherine was living. In James' probate records Catherine is called Caty. Arthur had a sister, Catherine Murphy, that was also called Caty. William and Catherine had 5 children. 
  • John
  • Van
  • Cherry
  • Sarah 
  • William
Arthur Murphy married Charity Parker in Virginia. In the Register of Albermarle Parish, Surry Virginia there is a record of their daughter Sarah's birth. She was born 9 Mar 1753. This one record gives us the following information. 
  • Arthur was married to Charity
  • Sarah Murphy was born 9 Mar 1753.
  • The family was still living in Surry Virginia in 1753.
Arthur Murphy arrived in present day Franklin County, NC around 1760. In the Bute County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions the following records are found:
  • ·         15 Nov 1770 Arthur served as a petit juror
  • ·         13 Nov 1772 A deed from Stephen Hamlin to Arthur was recorded and James Murphy’s oath of proof was given
  • ·         12 Nov 1777 Arthur proved the deed from Ephraim Gilliam and wife, Celia, to William Steward/Stuart
  • ·         12 Nov 1777 Arthur acknowledges deed to James Murphy

Arthur Murphy passed away 16 Mar 1803 in Franklin County, NC. From his will we find the names of seven of his children. From the probate records of his son James we find out the names of the other two children
  • ·         James
  • ·         Sarah
  • ·         Mary
  • ·         Maria
  • ·         Milly
  • ·         William Byrd
  • ·         Arthur
  • ·         Parker
  • ·         Catherine
Who were the parents of Arthur Murphy? 
More on the Murphy Family coming soon!
Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Why I follow the FAN club approach

Gilliam Family

The Gilliam family of Franklin County North Carolina are important in the research of the Leonard Family. They married Leonards and Guptons and others. 

While I was researching them I discovered that one piece of information that had me doing the "Happy Dance". I found Scotia's last name!! Scotia was a Gilliam and she married John Leonard. 

When William Gilliam died, his settlement records of 1827 in Franklin County gave the names of siblings. William's father was Marcus.

Marcus Gilliam was born about 1745 in Sussex VA. He married Fanny Stewart/Stuart.

On 13 Jul 1778 in Bute County, NC a warrant was issued to Marcus Gilliam by improvements 640 acres on the waters of Red Bud.

On 25 Nov 1778 in Franklin County, NC 100 acres on the waters of Red Bud.

On 7 Jun 1780 in Franklin County, NC  a Deed from Robert Carr and wife Mary, to Marquis Gilliam 300 acres adj to Vinson and Witnesses Wm Stuart and James Carr.

On 23 Apr 1794 a deed of gift from Sarah Gilliam (mother) of Southampton VA a negro girl Violet a gift of her deceased husband Walter. Witness Wm Stuart

December of 1800 a Deed from Marcus Gilliam to Frederick Leonard was acknowledged in open court.

Marcus died instate about Sep 1817 in Franklin County.  His son Drury was granted administrator of the estate. 

When William, the son of Marcus, died in 1827 the records give us the names of Marcus’ children.

·         Nathaniel who died around 1800
·          Drury
·         William
·         Marcus Jr
·         Frances who married William Gupton
·         Scotia who married John Leonard
·         Mary Polly who married Isaac Gupton
·         Lucy

following the FAN approach gave us new information... That is why I research Neighbors!!
Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Plans for the Future

Future Posts

For the last few months I have not been posting on this blog but my plans are to get back into blogging about my research etc. The holidays were great but now that they are over I will be jumping back into researching and posting.

Recently I was working on the descendants of Henry Andrews. He came to NC from VA. I followed each of his children to almost present day. He had 12 children and this project involved hours of searching. But this project is complete and in the future I will probably blog about this family. From this research I wrote an almost 200 page book and family members are editing it right now.

Presently I am starting a similar project with my Leonard and Collins lines and their allied families. I will be blogging about any new discoveries I have made, since I have already blogged about these families. More documents are added online almost daily. 

I hope you will visit in the future to see what I have found. 

Here is a little nugget to share (that Gerald shared with me yesterday).. The Collins home..

Something I found last night; mentions individuals in Franklin County, NC that were active politically. 

The North Carolina Standard 1841
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