A Walk with Ancestors

A Walk with Ancestors

Sunday, October 14, 2018

West - Currin - Crews – Johnson – Massie Families

Following the Crews

When Mildred Currin married Thomas West on 18 Dec 1838 in Granville County, NC, she brought with her a history that includes Crews, Johnson and Massie families.

Mildred was the daughter of Jemima Crews and Wyatt Currin. They were married on 16 Oct 1810 in Granville County, NC. In Wyatt’s probate records are several mentions of his heirs, in this case it is of interest that it was Thomas West and his wife Mildred.

Jemima Crews was the daughter of Gideon Crews and Jemima Wicker. In Gideon’s probates he mentions his daughter Jemima Currin.

Gideon was born in Hanover County, Virginia about 1730. (The date on his tombstone). Gideon was the son of Joseph Crews and Massey Johnson. Joseph and Massey were Quakers living first in New Kent County, Virginia and later in Hanover County, Virginia.

On 4 July 1761, Gideon and his two brothers, James and Caleb, were dismissed from the Society of Friends for declining the principles of Friends and misconduct.
By 1778 Gideon and his brothers were in Granville County, NC. Gideon took the oath of Allegiance in Granville that year.

Joseph Crews and Massie Johnson were married on 12 Jun 1725. Their marriage contract names their fathers. Both were John. Joseph was from Charles City at the time of the contract. 

Marriage Contract

John Crews was an original member of the Curles Friends Meeting.

In 1699/1700 he gave 400 pounds of tobacco towards the building of a new meetinghouse.

 In 1706 the meetings were held at the home of John Crews before moving to William Ladd’s. 

In the early 1700s the Quakers suffered from persecution, but their numbers continued to grow. In 1724 three Quakers were reported in prison. John Crew was arrested and held in custody.

From the meeting notes:

19 Aug 1706 – John appointed to represent Old Man’s Creek Meeting

8 April 1711 – John was appointed clerk of the meetings. He resigned 10 July 1714

1 Aug 1714 - Sarah, daughter of John, married Robert Elyson

14 Mar 1717 - John, son of John - Charles City County, married Agatha Elyson the daughter of Robert Elyson.

12 Feb 1720 - Andrew, son of John - Charles City County married Hannah Elyson, daughter of Robert Elyson.

 9 Oct 1724 - Mary, daughter of John - Charles City County and Sarah, married John Ladd

6 Dec 1725 - Joseph, son of John - Charles City County, married Massey Johnson daughter of John – Hanover County

3 July 1726 – John Sr. had taken from him 1 mare for fines for refusing to bear arms and paying tithes; also 76 lbs. of tobacco, a gun and 5 pewter dishes

7 Feb 1728 – John Sr. imprisoned and fined for refusing to bear arms.

26 Dec 1727/28 - Jane, daughter of John – New Kent County married John Sanders

8 July 1729
 - William, son of John – New Kent County, married Hannah Sanders

11 June 1733/34 – Anne, daughter of John married William Lane

11 Sept 1733/34 – David, son of John, married ?

5 July 1747 – John Sr. had a horse seized for fines

6 May 1758 – Sarah dies (wife of John)

1 Nov 1760 – John Sr. resigned as treasurer of the meeting because of ill health. He may have died shortly after this.

4 July 1761 – James, Caleb and Gideon, sons of Joseph deceased, Hanover County, dismissed for declining the principles of Friends and misconduct

As you can see there were several marriages between the Crews and Ellyson families. There were also marriages between the Johnson and Ellyson families.

John Johnson, father of Massie Johnson, had another daughter Agnes that married William Ellyson. All these families were members of the Friends of Society or Quakers. 

Thank goodness for the detailed records kept by the Quakers. So many early records in Virginia were destroyed by fire or during wars.  

Thanks for stopping by!

Up Next? Probably the Johnson or Massie Families.. 
Check back to see....


Thursday, October 11, 2018

Frederick Leonard Sr.

Frederick Leonard Sr.

Frederick Leonard Sr. is my four times great grandfather. He was born in 1767 to John and Mary Leonard in what is today Franklin County, North Carolina. Frederick was their third child. 

On January 10, 1793 Frederick married the daughter of Benjamin Simon Westray and Nancy Webb. Her name was Elizabeth. There is a family bible, Archibald Leonard's Family Bible, that lists their marriage date. This Bible can be found on the North Carolina Archives website. It also includes the births of their children. In Benjamin Westray's second wife, Elizabeth Sawyer's will, she appoints her friend and son-in-law, Frederick Leonard her true and lawful attorney. (Chatham County, NC)

Archibald Leonard Bible

From various resources I have created the following timeline of events in Frederick and Elizabeth's lives:

1794 – May 17 - Martha “Patsy” born

1794 – Oct – William Leonard, sold to Frederick property on Red Bud Creek – 250 acres

1795 – 9 Oct – John A born

1796 – Sept – A deed from Titus Edwards to Frederick was proven in court by oath

1797 – March Court – Ordered that Frederick Leonard be appointed constable in Franklin County for one year, who entered into Bond in the sum of two hundred dollars with Lawrence Ely and Benjamin Wester his securities.

1797 – Dec 4 – Willis S born

1798 – Frederick appointed constable again

1800- Dec A deed from Marcus Gilliam to Frederick Leonard was acknowledged in Court

1800 Federal Census:
          Free white males under 10 = 2
          Free white males   26 -44 = 1
          Free white females under 10 = 1
          Free white females 16 – 25 = 1
          Number of slaves = 1
1801 – Feb 27 – Leo Larkin born

1802 – Aug 18 - Bennett H. born

1806 – July 12 – Nancy  born

1807 – Oct 14 – Elizabeth “Betsy” born

1809 – Jun 14 – Mary Polly born

1810 Federal Census:
          Free white males under 10 = 2
          Free white males 10 – 15 = 2
          Free white males 26-44 = 1
          Free white females under 10= 3
          Free white females 10 – 15 = 1
          Free white females 26-44 = 1
          Number of slaves = 8

1811 – Jul 15 – Frederick Jr “Fed” born

1812-1814 son John A married Priscilla Stokes

1813 – Jul 13 – Mahaley born

1814 – Sept Court - Frederick served on jury

1815 – daughter Martha “Patsy” married David Collins

1815 – Dec 13 – Matilda Margaret born

1815 – Taxable Property List – Captain Davis’s District –
          Land: 508+ acres  Value per acre: 1.50 Aggregate Value 762.75
          White Poll: 1 Black Poll: 5

1816 – Apr 22 – William P born

1816 – Sept Court – Frederick served on jury

1816 – Dec Court – Frederick appointed one of three commissioners to examine and audit the account of William Leonard- administrator – and report to court next term

1817 – March Court – Frederick juror
-      Frederick and William Leonard qualify as executors for John L Leonard, William Leonard's son.

 1817 – June Court – Frederick’s oath proved the Last Will and Testament of Peter Collins

1817 – Sept Court – a deed acknowledged in court from Marcus Gilliam to Frederick Leonard

1818 – Sep 10 – Eliza Jane born

1819 – Dec Court in Chatham County NC – Elizabeth Sawyer Westray appoints her son-in-law, Frederick Leonard, her personal attorney to dispose of her personal property and collect debts owed her

1820 – Frederick paid taxes on 1003 acres in Franklin County.

1820 – Dec Court – Frederick Leonard with Guilford Lewis and Elias Carr appointed to audit the accounts of Wm Leonard – Executor of the estate of Scota Gilliam Leonard (John L's widow and William's daughter-law)

1820 – Dec Court – Frederick Leonard vs William Green debt – jury found no payment set principal at $191.40 and awarded damages of $12.90

1821 – Dec Court – Frederick and Robert Gupton appointed executors for the estate of William Collins

1822 – Mar Court – Frederick and Robert Gupton returned the inventory for the estate of William Collins

1822 – Dec Court – Frederick was the Grand Jury foreman

1823 – Feb 5 – son Willis married Sarah Collins

1823 – Apr 8 – Archibald L “Baldy” born

1823 – June Court - Frederick was selected to be on jury for the next session, appointed Poll Keeper

1823 – Sept Court – served on Grand Jury

1828 – Jan 29 – son Bennett H married Nancy Vincent Pearce

1828 – Feb 28 – son Larkin married Cynthia Gupton

1828 – son John A died

1828 – Poll Keeper for the Presidential Election - John Quincy Adams vs Andrew Jackson

1829 – December Court - Frederick presided over the court as one of the magistrates.

1830 Federal Census (Pearce’s District)
          Free white males 5 – 9 =1
          Free white males 10 – 14 = 1
          Free white males 15 – 19 = 1
          Free white males 60 – 69 = 1
          Free white females 10 – 14 =1
          Free white females 15 – 19 = 2
          Free white females 20 – 29 = 3
          Free white females 50 – 59 = 1
          Total slaves = 8

1830 – Nov 23 – daughter Mary Polly married George Washington Collins

1830 – December 1 -Frederick joined Sandy Creek Baptist Church, was baptized - Sandy Creek Baptist Church minutes.

1832 – December 27 – Deeded 130 acres to son Larkin

1832 – December 31 – Deeded 130 acres to son Bennett

1833 – around this time Willis and Sarah moved to Georgia

Example of a woman's dress in the 1800's

1833 – Jan 21 – daughter Elizabeth “Betsy” married Gray Murphy

1834 – Aug 4 – Daughter Mahalla married Eaton Leonard

1837 – Poll Keeper

1838 – October 20 – Sandy Creek Baptist Church minutes -  Received Frederick to the church with full fellowship. Signed by the Clerk – Eaton Leonard

1839 – Aug 8 – daughter Margaret Matilda married Henry George Gupton

1839 – Frederick was selected to be a representative for Leonard’s District on the Committee of Vigilance and Correspondence at the Democratic Republican Meeting 8 Oct

1839 – November – Sandy Creek Baptist Church minutes -  excommunicated Frederick for drinking

1839 – Dec 10 – son Frederick Jr married Sacky J Gupton

1840 Federal Census (Franklin Co)
          Free white males 15 – 19 = 1
          Free white males 60 – 69 = 1
          Free white females 20 – 29 = 1
          Free white females 60 – 69 = 1
          Total slaves = 2

1840 – Aug 26 – daughter Eliza Jane married John G. Leonard

1841 – At the meeting of freemen in Franklin County he was nominated and
appointed to attend the General Convention in Raleigh on 10 Jan 1842

1841 – Sandy Creek Baptist Church minutes - Restored Brother Frederick to the fellowship of the church

1840 – Mar Court –  Frederick served on Jury

1841 – Sept Court – A deed from Sherman Davis to Frederick was acknowledged in open Court

1842 – daughter Nancy Leonard Wood died

1850 Federal Census (Cook’s District, Franklin Co.) Oct 2, 1850
          Frederick Leonard Sr. 83 years old – farmer - $800 property value
          Elizabeth 73 years old
          Arch 27-year-old male – farmer

1853 – January 26 – son Willis died in Vienna, Dooley Co. Georgia – daughter-in-law Sarah Collins Leonard died August 29th.

1856 Feb 6 – Frederick died – found in Semi-Weekly Standard Sat Feb 23, 1856 – he was 88 years old

1856 – March Court – James Collins is appointed administrator of Frederick Leonard dec’d and enters into Bond in the sum of twenty-two thousand dollars with Washington Harris, William G. Collins and Eli Lankford, his securities.

1856 – March Court – Elizabeth, widow, petitions court and names children and grandchildren:
·         Larkin Leonard
·         Bennett H. Leonard
·         Frederick Leonard
·         Archibald Leonard
·         Martha wife of David Collins
·         Elizabeth wife of Gray Murphy
·         Matilda wife of Henry G Gupton
·         Eliza wife of John G Leonard
·         Martha Ann wife of Plummer D. Pearce (daughter of John A. Leonrd)
·         Wm P Leonard
·         Mary wife of G.W. Collins
·         Mahala wife of Eaton Leonard
·         Mary Ann wife of James Flemming (daughter of Willis)
·         Nancy Thomas wife of Curlin Leonard (daughter of John A. Leonard)
·         Elizabeth wife of Richard Lancaster (daughter of John A. Leonard)
·         Children of Willis and Britain Wood; Frederick Jr. Doctor, William A

1856 – March Court – “On motion John J Jones, as Justice of the Peace, W.D Coppege, JJ Thomas, and John T May freeholders, are appointed to view the estate of Frederick Leonard, dec’d, and to allot and set apart to his widow, Elizabeth Leonard, as much of the crop, stock, and provisions belonging thereto as may be adequate to the support of herself and family for one year and if there shall not be a sufficiency on hand to afford such an allowance then to assess the deficiency in money. Said commissioners are to report to the next term of this court under their hands and seals.” (Court Minutes 1854-1860 pg 199)

The Court allotted the following provisions:

1856 – March Court –
Elizabeth Leonard                         Petition for sale of slaves for division
Larkin Leonard and others
“It appearing to the satisfaction of the court that the petitioners and tenants in common of the slaves named in the petition and the slaves cannot be divided in kind among the parties interested, it is therefore ordered adjudged and decreed that James Collins be appointed a commissioner to make sale of said slaves and it is further ordered that after advertisement of the sale at the court house door in the town of Louisburg and at there other more public places in the county of Franklin for at least twenty days, he proceed to sell said slaves at the court house aforesaid to the highest bidder at public auction upon a credit of six months first taking bond with approved security for the payment of the purchase money and it is further ordered the said commissioner make his return to the next term of this Court.”

1856 – March Court –
Elizabeth Leonard
       vs                                                 Petition for Dower
The heirs at law of said
Frederick Leonard

“On motion it is ordered by the court that a writ of dower be issued to the Sheriff of Franklin County commanding him to summon a jury to allot to the petitioner her dower in the lands of her late husband Frederick Leonard, which said lands are described in the petition, according to the act of the General Assembly in such case made and provided”

1856 – Sept Court – Ordered that W.D. Webb, Y Patterson, J.E. Lankford be appointed commissioners to audit and settle the accounts of James Collins administrator of Frederick Leonard and report next court.

1862 – (about) Betsy Leonard Murphy died

1864 Elizabeth wrote her will and names the following:
·         Vermel Murray – wife of Joseph Murray – granddaughter
·         Larkin – son
·         Bennett H – son
·         A.L – son (Archibald)
·         Elizabeth – wife of Gray Murphy – daughter
·         Matilda – wife of Henry G. Gupton – daughter
·         Eliza – wife of John G Leonard – daughter

This was the story of Frederick and Elizabeth Leonard. Their children would have to live through the hardships of the Civil War, their stories are coming soon.

Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, October 5, 2018

Forever Loved: Sarah of Swan Point ~ by Cynthia West Abbott

Forever Loved

Sarah of Swan Point

by: Cynthia West Abbott

Around 2016, Cindy and I found each other via this blog and FaceBook. Since then we have been working and sharing our research on James West. You see, we are both descendants of this man. We are both teachers. I have retired and Cindy continues to teach. Cindy has always dreamed of writing the story of James West and Sarah Bowman and this book is no longer a dream but a reality. She has written a wonderful fictionalized story about of our great great great great great grandparents. (5 times great grandparents). It is based on research that she has been gathering for years. 

The synopsis from the back of the book reads:

In order to follow his older brother to the colonies, sixteen-year-old James West steals a red cloak from a clothing store and is convicted of petty larceny in London. 1765. Sentenced to seven years in America, James arrives in Baltimore aboard the Tyral and is sold as a convict servant to a plantation in southern Maryland. His harrowing escape leads him into the arms of his future wife, Sarah Bowman of Swan Point, Maryland. They grow closer and fall in love as they meet each evening at sunset on the banks of Cuckold Creek. James and Sarah marry and eventually go to Granville County, North Carolina, in search of his brother, Francis. James fights in several battles of the Revolutionary War and confronts a personal struggle with faith, enduring periods of doubting God's very existence because of the loss of loved ones and the injustices he sees in the time period in which he lives. Sarah's faith and love remain constant and give him strength. Forever Loved: Sarah of Swan Point is a beautiful story based on the author's real-life fifth great grandparents.

Covenant Books has created a web page about this book. 

The book is available at Amazon and Barnes and Noble and on iTunes. It can be downloaded and read in Apple Books, Kindle and Nook.

Amazon link

Barnes and Noble Link

iTunes Link

Cindy has written a story that will touch you in so many ways. If you are interested in family genealogy or historical romance, this is the book for you!!

Thank you Cousin Cindy!!
