A Walk with Ancestors

A Walk with Ancestors

Sunday, October 14, 2018

West - Currin - Crews – Johnson – Massie Families

Following the Crews

When Mildred Currin married Thomas West on 18 Dec 1838 in Granville County, NC, she brought with her a history that includes Crews, Johnson and Massie families.

Mildred was the daughter of Jemima Crews and Wyatt Currin. They were married on 16 Oct 1810 in Granville County, NC. In Wyatt’s probate records are several mentions of his heirs, in this case it is of interest that it was Thomas West and his wife Mildred.

Jemima Crews was the daughter of Gideon Crews and Jemima Wicker. In Gideon’s probates he mentions his daughter Jemima Currin.

Gideon was born in Hanover County, Virginia about 1730. (The date on his tombstone). Gideon was the son of Joseph Crews and Massey Johnson. Joseph and Massey were Quakers living first in New Kent County, Virginia and later in Hanover County, Virginia.

On 4 July 1761, Gideon and his two brothers, James and Caleb, were dismissed from the Society of Friends for declining the principles of Friends and misconduct.
By 1778 Gideon and his brothers were in Granville County, NC. Gideon took the oath of Allegiance in Granville that year.

Joseph Crews and Massie Johnson were married on 12 Jun 1725. Their marriage contract names their fathers. Both were John. Joseph was from Charles City at the time of the contract. 

Marriage Contract

John Crews was an original member of the Curles Friends Meeting.

In 1699/1700 he gave 400 pounds of tobacco towards the building of a new meetinghouse.

 In 1706 the meetings were held at the home of John Crews before moving to William Ladd’s. 

In the early 1700s the Quakers suffered from persecution, but their numbers continued to grow. In 1724 three Quakers were reported in prison. John Crew was arrested and held in custody.

From the meeting notes:

19 Aug 1706 – John appointed to represent Old Man’s Creek Meeting

8 April 1711 – John was appointed clerk of the meetings. He resigned 10 July 1714

1 Aug 1714 - Sarah, daughter of John, married Robert Elyson

14 Mar 1717 - John, son of John - Charles City County, married Agatha Elyson the daughter of Robert Elyson.

12 Feb 1720 - Andrew, son of John - Charles City County married Hannah Elyson, daughter of Robert Elyson.

 9 Oct 1724 - Mary, daughter of John - Charles City County and Sarah, married John Ladd

6 Dec 1725 - Joseph, son of John - Charles City County, married Massey Johnson daughter of John – Hanover County

3 July 1726 – John Sr. had taken from him 1 mare for fines for refusing to bear arms and paying tithes; also 76 lbs. of tobacco, a gun and 5 pewter dishes

7 Feb 1728 – John Sr. imprisoned and fined for refusing to bear arms.

26 Dec 1727/28 - Jane, daughter of John – New Kent County married John Sanders

8 July 1729
 - William, son of John – New Kent County, married Hannah Sanders

11 June 1733/34 – Anne, daughter of John married William Lane

11 Sept 1733/34 – David, son of John, married ?

5 July 1747 – John Sr. had a horse seized for fines

6 May 1758 – Sarah dies (wife of John)

1 Nov 1760 – John Sr. resigned as treasurer of the meeting because of ill health. He may have died shortly after this.

4 July 1761 – James, Caleb and Gideon, sons of Joseph deceased, Hanover County, dismissed for declining the principles of Friends and misconduct

As you can see there were several marriages between the Crews and Ellyson families. There were also marriages between the Johnson and Ellyson families.

John Johnson, father of Massie Johnson, had another daughter Agnes that married William Ellyson. All these families were members of the Friends of Society or Quakers. 

Thank goodness for the detailed records kept by the Quakers. So many early records in Virginia were destroyed by fire or during wars.  

Thanks for stopping by!

Up Next? Probably the Johnson or Massie Families.. 
Check back to see....


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