Richard Bennett Sr
In 1764 Richard Bennett wrote his will in Bute County, North Carolina. This is the father of Richard Bennett Jr. (My great grandfather)
In the will he mentioned:
- daughter Christian Langston wife of Absolom Langston
- daughter Sarah Langston wife of Solomon
- son Richard Bennett
- son Mark Bennett
- son William Bennett
- son Moses Bennett
- daughter Martha Bennett
- son James Bennett
- daughter Ann Bennett
- daughter Amy Bennett
- wife Ann
It was recorded 3 Aug 1764 in Bute County, proven by the oaths of James Thompson and Drucilla Thompson subscribing witnesses.
In 1741 Richard received 200 acres on Buffalo Creek in Edgecombe County, North Carolina.
George the Second Know ye that I have given to Richard Bennett a tract of land containing 200 acres lying and being in the County of Edgecomb beginning at poplar on ye lower side of the Buffalo branch then north 53 along a branch 179 poles to a maple then So.37 E 179 poles to the center of 3 Red Oaks then So 53 W 179 poles to a red oak on the branch then along the branch to the first station to hold yielding to paying four shillings proclamation money for every hundred acres yearly cultivating three acres for every hundred with three years- given this month dated the 11th day of Augt 1741 Gab Johnson (Governor) Halifax Co. NC Vol II pg 340
John Earl of Granville to Richrd Bennett of Halifax Co. indenture bearing date of 17 Sept 1744, 400 acres southside Roanoke River, mouth of Cypress Swamp by David Meand's corner, Beaver Dam Swamp for the sum of 10 shillings paid by Richard Bennett. Halifax Co. NC Vol 5. pg 334
Richard Bennett of Edgecomb Co. from Jno Thomkins of the province of South Carolina Land on Buffalo Creek Branch, a land grant to Tomkin 9 June 1738 proven Edgecomb court Feb 1744 180 acres for 18 pounds current money of Virginia. Wit: William Bobbit, Jr. Charles Thomson Halifax Co NC Vol 5 pg 490
Richard Bennett of Edgecombe Co. NC to Lewis Brantley of Isle of Wight Co. VA. a parcel of land on Buffalo Branch for 8 pounds current money of Va 18 Feb 1745
In 1746 Edgecombe was divided and the area he lived in became Granville County.
Richard Bennett gives to son Willliam land on the fork of Buffalo Branch, northside of Great Fishing Creek. To have land after my death and death of my wife Ann Bennett, 100 acres, part of the tract where I now live, beginning at Richard Bennett's Spring Branch. given 1762, recorded May 1762 Granville Co. NC Bk F page 379
Richard Bennett to my son Mark Bennett - I, Richard Bennett of the County of Granville and St. John's Parish, give to my loving son, Mark, 85 acres on Buffalo Creek. Wit: John Bennett and John Smart 1762 - proved in Aug Court 1763 Halifax Co. NC Vol 8 pg 419
Richard Bennett of the County of Granville to Solomon Atkinson of Halifax Co. 200 acres for 7 pounds proclamation money. Land is on southside of Roanoke River in Halifax Co. and adjacent land of David Mead's, adjacent Beaver Dam Swamp and Cypress Swamp.
John Smart to his son-in-law Richard Bennett Jr. To all christian people whom these present writing shall come. I, John Smart of the County of Granville and province of North Carolina planter send greeting know ye that I John Smart for divers and good causes and valuable consideration one here unto moving hath given and granted and by these present do give grant and confirm unto Richard Bennett Junior of the County and province aforesaid forty five acres of land lying and being in the county of Granville on a branch of the buffalo branch of great fishing Creek beginning at a white Oak on the bank of a branch at Smart Corner. Running along Smarts line North forty five degrees West one hundred and forty pole to a hickery then south seventy two poles to a white oak then sought forty five East one hundred and six poles to an Ash on the aforesaid branch then upon the Meadow to the first station to have and to hold all the said tract of land and all the appurtenances thereunto belonging whatsoever of me the said John Smart unto the said Richard Bennet his heirs of assigns from henseforth forever to his and their proper use and uses thereof and therewith to do order and dispose at his or their wills and pleasures as of their own proper land free and peaceably and quietly without any manner of lot trouble hindrance denial or molestation of me the said John Smart or any other person or persons whatsoever of all and which premises I the said John Smart have put the said Richard Bennett in full and peaceable possession by virtue of these presents. In witness whereof I the said John Smart have hereunto given under my hand and seal this second day of November and in the first year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the third by the grace of good King of Great Britain France & Ireland kind defender of the faith and in the year of our Lord Christ one thousand seven sixty and one (Granville Co. 1st Nov Court 1761)
This area became Bute County. The area eventually became Warren County.
Warren County NC Records:
Feb Court 1769 - Solomon Langston Guardian of James Bennett, orphan of Richard Bennett, dec'd, bond, dated 15 Feb 1769.
1779 - 19 Aug - recorded in November - Anne Bennett to son-in-law John Capps and Martha Bennett a gift of slaves (John Capps was married to Amy Bennett)
16 Mar 1780 - From John Capps and Martha Bennett of the County of Warren NC to Richard Bennett of same 500 pounds proclamation money for 200 acres land in Green Swamp on James Island adjacent John Young's line, Atkinson's line. Signed John Caps, Martha Bennett, Amey Capps Wit: Jesse Person, Isom Bennett, Henry Capps, Patsey Bennett
- 27 Apr. - Ordered that Absolom Bennett have license to keep an ordinary at his house, who with Richard Ellis, his security, entered into and executed a bond for that purpose.
- 26 Jul - On motion a license is granted to Richard Bennett to keep an Ordinary at this house, who with John Weathers, his security, entered into and executed a bond for that purpose.
- 2 Nov - Richard Bennett acknowledged a deed to Isham Bennett, and on motion the same is ordered registered.
- 31 Jul - John Bennett replaced by John Hawkins as overseer of the road.
- 30 Oct - On a motion a license is granted to Richard Bennett to keep an Ordinary in his house.
- 31 Oct - William Bennett is a member of the jury
1814 - Tax Roll
- Fishing Creek
Bennetts mentioned: Isham, Thomas, Richard, Moses, James C.
Richard Bennett Jr. was married to Sylvia Smart the daughter of John Smart. Peter Smart's daughter. Priscilla, married James Collins. John and Peter Smart are my six times great grandfathers. They are both in the same area about the same time. When Peter sold land to Thomas House, Richard Bennett was a witness. What is the relationship between John and Peter? Could John and Peter been brothers? Time to dig into that!
The question remains, was Richard Bennett Sr. from Brunswick County, Virginia? It has been suggested that he was from Isle of Wight, VA.
Time to look into the Bennett's of Isle of Wight and see if I can make a definitive connection...
The Governor of early Virginia, Richard Bennett, has been hinted as the ancestor of Richard, I have to say, I doubt it. His son Richard died in Maryland from drowning. But I will continue to dig into records and see what I can find....
Thanks for stopping by!
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