A Walk with Ancestors

A Walk with Ancestors

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

I am Interrupting this blog for an important announcement!


I have often posted about DNA results, this morning I opened my Ancestry account to see if there were any new matches. 

Due to the RootsTech conference and the sale on DNA kits I have been receiving matches almost daily. I am over 360 matches with known shared ancestors. The total DNA matches I have is over 1200.

This morning I discovered a shared match with another descendant of John Neal and Susanna Smith!!!
We share 19.9 centimorgans of DNA, that is a good match according to Diahan Southard.

I haven't written about this couple yet, I will be doing so soon. I will just say that John was born around 1726.

Getting this match today takes the question out of the family line. I know I am on the right track!! 

Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, March 26, 2017

More on Dudley S. Neal

Dudley S. Neal and Leacy Lancaster

Dudley S. Neal married Lithia Leacy Lancaster on 14 Feb 1826 in Warren County, North Carolina.

1840 is the last census that Dudley appears in. In 1850 Lithia, Joseph, Dudley, Edward, and Angeline are living together without Dudley S. Neal.  So, Dudley must have passed away.

In 1850 John L. Neal is living in the home of Jacob Holt, the builder. But where is William?? I am searching for him.

Dudley must have died instate, I can not find any probate information, but I am still looking.

In 1860 Leacy, Edward, and Angie are living with Thomas S. Neal and his family. OK, who is Thomas? He has to be related in some way....  I am still researching but right now it seems that Thomas and Dudley's fathers were brothers. Dudley's father was John and Thomas' father, I believe right now, is Cuthbert Neal. Both were sons of John and Susanna Neal of Brunswick Co. Virginia.

Leacy passed away around 1867 and left an unusual will. 

She left her estate to only Dudley and Angeline..... But, there does not appear to be any real estate. I guess that property was dealt with when Dudley S. passed away.

I am still trying to determine who the parents of Leacy were. There are a few Lancaster men in Warren County but to date I have not been able to determine her parents. Any help would be great. 

Next I plan to write about John Neal born in Brunswick, Virginia and died in Warren County, North Carolina. He is Dudley S. Neal's father. He married Milly House.. and brings with her a big question about which House family..

Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, March 20, 2017

Dudley Neal

Dudley S Neal

The only document that connects John L. Neal, my two times great grandfather, to Dudley S. Neal, is the sale of Edward Neal's property for back taxes. I have been unable to find probate records for Dudley and the last time he appears in records is 1840. So, I have to use the tax document for proof of parent. This tax document lists Dudley S. Neal's children as Edward's heirs; John L, Dudley, William and Angie. Edward would have been John's brother. Edward married Sallie Pittman and they did not have children.

Dudley's son, Dudley House Neal, also married a Pittman; Alice Pittman. Alice and Sallie were sisters and daughters of Thomas Pittman and Sarah Elizabeth Kearney of Warren County, North Carolina.

Dudley House Neal, John L. Neal and William Neal had property next to each other in the 1860 census, as seen below.

1860 Federal Census
Joseph Neal, another brother, is living in Grove Hill with his wife and children. They are living near the Pittman and Kearney families. (Dudley H. and Edward L.'s wives' families)

Joseph is living a few homes away from the Powell and Pearson families. If I read this correctly, Wake Powell's occupation is a Gambler  with quite a nice amount of property. What do you think this says?

1860 Federal Census

The Kearney's are living near by and has also listed his occupation as "Gambler".... just an interesting note.

William, Joseph, Dudley and Edward fought in the Civil War, sadly Joseph died in 1863 either from injuries or disease.

Dudley had injuries that prevented him from fighting. See the document below.

Dudley had a rough time in the war. He had typhoid in 1862. He was wounded at Richmond on 7 Jul 1862 in his leg and was sent home on furlough. He returned in 1863 but appears to be on furlough again around the time that Joseph died. On 24 May 1864 he was back in the hospital in Richmond with a mini ball in his left leg and was sent home for a 60 day furlough to heal. But on 25 Feb 1865 he was once again wounded, this time in both legs which resulted in the discharge that the paper above addresses.

William applied for soldier's pension when he was 72 years old. The document indicates that he was unable to use his right leg as a result of the war and Dr. Perry's note  dated 29 Jun 1901 states that William is unable to leave his room.

Edward also spent time in the hospital for typhoid in Aug of 1862. Edward was also on furlough about the time that Joseph died. Maybe the boys took their brother home.  On 17 May 1864 he was wounded by a mini ball in his right thigh and was sent home on furlough for 60 days. He and Dudley were wounded about the same time.

There does not appear to be any record of John L fighting in the Civil War. Did he remain home to help take care of his family? He was the oldest son and his mother was still living but his father had passed away, did he stay home to take care of his mama? I guess we will never know the answer to that question.


In 1820 Dudley first appears in the records that I currently have collected. It is the census record and the information on it is:

Dudley is pretty young, probably closer to the age of 16 at this time. He and one male slave are farming. His father dies in 1827, did he give him the land before he died? Dudley is a man with many unanswered questions. His father, John, left him one dollar in his will. John left most of his land and property to Dudley's brother William. .....

More to come...

Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, March 10, 2017

Bettie Neal

Bettie Rodwell Neal

Bettie was the older sister of John T. and Wallace Neal. She was born in April of 1855 according to the 1900 Federal Census. 

On December 23, 1890 she married Transberry Neal, the son of Aaron Neal and Elizabeth Fox, from Franklin County, North Carolina.  She was 35 and he was 40 according to the marriage license. They were married by George M. Duke, a Baptist Minister, at the home of Jack Neal in Warren County. 

In the 1900 Federal Census, Bettie and Transberry are living next to D.H. Neal, Bettie's uncle. Bettie was listed as 45 at the time and Transberry was 60. On this census she states that she has not had children. 

In the 1910 Federal Census, they are still living next to D.H. Neal. The interesting thing about this census record is Bettie is showing 5 children and 2 living. I do not think Bettie had children and this is an error.

From the notes I made in 1980, before I knew how to cite records or references properly, I noted that Bettie and Transberry owned the property of John L. Neal. 

Bettie died on 21 Apr 1920. The cause of death is paralysis. The informant is listed as J.W. Neal of Gupton, North Carolina.. If I am correct, this is my great uncle, Johnny Neal. My grandfather's brother. 

Transberry died three years later on Mar 9, 1923. 

Both Bettie and Transberry are listed as living in Franklinton at the time of their deaths. Transberry's brothers and sisters were living in Franklinton, could Bettie and Transberry have moved in with his family before their death? In 1920 five of Transberry's siblings were all living together- two males and three females and all single.

Another interesting note is Transberry's sister was Stella. I have an aunt, Stella... could this be where they got her name?????

More unanswered questions..

Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Wallace Jackson Neal

A Short Life

Wallace Jackson Neal was the son of John L. Neal and Ann Rodwell. He is my great uncle, brother of my great grandfather John T. Neal. 

Wallace and John worked for Mr. Davis in Warren County, NC in his store. They must have impressed him with their work ethic because the story is that he loaned the boys $1000 to open a store in Centerville. Unfortunately, the story continues that a fire destroyed their business. The brothers had to jump from the second floor window to escape the flames. After the fire the brothers went in separate directions. Earlier I wrote a post about John T. Neal. 

Fortunately the newspaper provides more information about Wallace.

Franklin Times Feb 8, 1889

Franklin Times Feb 15, 1889
Franklin Times Mar 22, 1889

In 1897 Wallace had a terrible fall that was recorded in the news.

Franklin Times Oct 15, 1897

In December of 1898 Wallace passed away from pneumonia at a very early age. He left his wife and five children.

Franklin Times Dec 16, 1898

Wallace's wife, Mary Perry, daughter of James Robert Perry and Martha Ann Uzzell, was able to continue her education and become a nurse. Below are just a couple of the pages found in the estate file for Wallace. 

This is a sad story of a very short life.

Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

John L. Neal

Making the Connections

Talking to my grandfather years ago, we knew that John L. or Jack was granddaddy's grandfather. It is also found on the death certificate of John T. Neal. So, that was a given. It was making the connection to John L.'s father that became an issue, for not only myself but other researchers, for years.

The issue began with one document found in Warren County's deed book 50 pages 747-748.
John L. Neal

This document is about the sale of property for back taxes, years 1877, 1878, 1879, 1880 and 1881. ($19.53) This property belonged to Edward L. Neal. On page 307 of the same deed book, the property is listed in Fishing Creek Township, Warren County, NC and bordered by the property of the Warren Savings Bank. The document lists Edward's heirs; Jno L. Neal, D.H. Neal, W.W. Neal, Mrs Angy Lancaster and Mrs E.L. Neal. It is the word "heirs" that caused the confusion.

With the help of a wonderful lady on the FaceBook page, Franklin, Granville, Vance & Warren Genealogy, I got the answer to our question! Edward and his wife did not have children. His heirs were his brothers and sister. His father was Dudley S. Neal! Since it appears that Dudley did not leave a will, making that connection was not a simple task.

In an earlier post "Serendipity" I discussed John L. living in the home of Jacob Holt in 1850 and working as a carpenter. 

John and Ann Rodwell were married on December 27, 1853.  This is recorded but hard to read.

Around 1980 I went to Warrenton and browsed through some of the records and found the sale of property recorded on March 21, 1855 for 256 acres to John L. Neal from Henry Harris for $1024.00.

In the 1860 Slave Schedules, the following is recorded:

In the 1860 Federal Census, the three brothers are living side by side in Fishing Creek District.

The 1870 Federal Census is not complete and there does not appear to be records for Warren County.

In 1880 the brothers are still living close to each other as seen in the entries on the Federal Census. Keeping in mind that John bought land from the Harris family in 1855, on this census we find Edward working as a millwright for one of the Harris families.

Marriage was in the air! Wallace married Mary Perry in 1888. John T. married Luna Bartholomew in 1889 and Bettie married Transberry Neal in 1890.

Sadly the records for Robert stop in 1880 when he was 12. I do not know if he left the area or passed away. On ancestry there are not any family trees that have him as the direct ancestor so he could have passed away. Another researcher has said that a family story has a daughter that never married and passed away from a fever. Where is the G.W. listed in 1860? Could this picture have all the children of John and Ann?  
John L. Neal and family

It was granddaddy who told me that the older gentleman in the picture was John L. Neal and the woman was Ann Rodwell, he believed .... 

When Bettie married Transberry in 1890 her parents are both listed as living.

It is only through this small entry in the Franklin Times on May 27, 1892 that we find the death of John L. Neal.  John passed away on May 20, 1892.

I do not have a death for Ann, yet. I will continue to search for more information.

There is a Neal family cemetery in Inez, Warren County, NC and it is believed that John and Ann are buried there. Unfortunately the stones can not be read.

Next post will be about Dudley Neal, father of John L. Neal.
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