A Walk with Ancestors

A Walk with Ancestors

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Wallace Jackson Neal

A Short Life

Wallace Jackson Neal was the son of John L. Neal and Ann Rodwell. He is my great uncle, brother of my great grandfather John T. Neal. 

Wallace and John worked for Mr. Davis in Warren County, NC in his store. They must have impressed him with their work ethic because the story is that he loaned the boys $1000 to open a store in Centerville. Unfortunately, the story continues that a fire destroyed their business. The brothers had to jump from the second floor window to escape the flames. After the fire the brothers went in separate directions. Earlier I wrote a post about John T. Neal. 

Fortunately the newspaper provides more information about Wallace.

Franklin Times Feb 8, 1889

Franklin Times Feb 15, 1889
Franklin Times Mar 22, 1889

In 1897 Wallace had a terrible fall that was recorded in the news.

Franklin Times Oct 15, 1897

In December of 1898 Wallace passed away from pneumonia at a very early age. He left his wife and five children.

Franklin Times Dec 16, 1898

Wallace's wife, Mary Perry, daughter of James Robert Perry and Martha Ann Uzzell, was able to continue her education and become a nurse. Below are just a couple of the pages found in the estate file for Wallace. 

This is a sad story of a very short life.

Thanks for stopping by!

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