A Walk with Ancestors

A Walk with Ancestors

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Looking At My Husband's Family

What Lines Make Up the Hunt Family

In my last post I said I would begin researching the many lines that make up my husband's family. I have done some research before but now I am trying to flesh out the story. I discovered an error and fixed that.. and I have found a few very interesting people. 

What are the surnames that I have found so far?
  • Hunt
  • Allman
  • Lloyd
  • Belcher
  • English
  • Amos
  • McBride
  • Kennett
  • Kessler
  • Holland
  • Odineal
  • Gregory
  • Mitchell
  • Brown
  • Hogan
  • Musgrove
  • Ayres
  • Blankenship
  • Cundiff
  • Little
  • Hudson
  • Dickerson
  • Garland
  • Humphrey
  • West
  • Dudley

Wow, this looks like my class list from my teaching days!

 Which one surprised me?   WEST

If you have been reading my blog then you know that my grandmother was a West. However, from the research on that line, I am almost positive that this is a different West line. It looks like this West line was from Pennsylvania. 

In this bunch of folks are several Revolutionary War soldiers and at least one that was a loyalist and was jailed for treason. 

At least one of these soldiers served under Washington.

There are many Civil War soldiers.

I found a few scandalous stories... always fun to discover.

A few landmarks that are still standing today..

Anyone recognize this? The man that built this is my husband's five times great grandfather. He married an English... so this connection is on John Washington Hunt's line.

Twin Chimneys in Wirtz

The family lines for the most go back to the early days of the colonies. So along the way I will share some of the history of the area. 

Now to decide where to begin??

Come back soon to find out!

Thanks for stopping by!!

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