A Walk with Ancestors

A Walk with Ancestors

Saturday, August 20, 2016

The Leonard Family of Franklin County, NC

Leo Larkin Leonard

Larkin was the fourth child born to Frederick and Elizabeth Leonard.  Larkin was born on 27 Feb 1801. Frederick was 34 and Elizabeth was 24 when he was born. 

In 1803 Thomas Jefferson made the Louisiana Purchase from France opening up a vast amount of land. In 1836 the first wagon train was organized to travel the Oregon Trail. Although Larkin did not move out west, I am sure that he knew people that left North Carolina for the western frontier.

By the time Larkin was 4 he would have been expected to help out around the farm with basic tasks. Popular games during this time was tops, checkers, cards, chess and badminton. 

On February 28, 1828 Larkin obtained a marriage bond to marry Cynthia Gupton. She was the daughter of William Gupton and Frances Temperance Foster.

Larkin's older brother, Willis, was his bondsman. Willis would marry Sarah Collins and move to Georgia.

During the time that Larkin and Cynthia lived the fashions for men were long wool frocks with trousers and vest, large bow ties and hats. Men wore beards and mustaches. Women wore floral prints or plaids with bonnets and shawls. During the mid to late 1800s women began to wear corsets. Due to the cost of purchasing fabric many homes had looms.

Larkin and Cynthia had six children. They were:
Frances with unknown young girl
  1. Frances Ann Elizabeth Leonard - born 3 Jul 1829. Married William P. Murphy the son of Bird Murphy and Alethea Lacy Gilliam. William Murphy died at Point Lookout Maryland while a POW during the Civil war. She never remarried and died on 27 Jul 1916.
  2. Virginia Caroline Leonard - born in 1831 and died in 1896. Never married.
  3. Peyton R. Leonard - born in 1833 and died 23 Aug 1862 during the Civil War from Typhus. Never married.
  4. Benjamin Leonard -  born in 1834 and died in 1855. Never married.
  5. William Henry Leonard- our ancestor and to be discussed in a future post.
  6. Mary Elizabeth Leonard - born 24 Dec 1846. Married Henry Spencer Gupton 14 Apr 1867. Henry was the son of Henry George Gupton and Matilda Leonard. Matilda was the daughter of Frederick and Elizabeth. Matilda would have been Mary Elizabeth's aunt.
The issue of slavery was dominating the political scene. The 1850's saw the Underground Railway. By 1861 the southern states had seceded from the union. The war affected many in the Leonard family. As noted above William Murphy and Peyton Leonard both died during the conflict. William Henry also served but returned home to marry the widow, Seraphna Collins Murphy. 

Larkin passed away on 7 Aug 1885 at the age of 84. Larkin left a will and in it he made sure that Virginia was taken care of during her life. He divided his land between his children. He appointed his son, William, and his son-in-law, Henry Gupton, the executors of his estate.

Because there is not any mention of Cynthia in his will, she must have passed away prior to his death.

Below is a copy of his will:

Recently discovered document concerning Larkin's estate:

Next blog post I will revisit the story of William Henry and Seraphna. 

Thanks for stopping by!


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