A Walk with Ancestors

A Walk with Ancestors

Thursday, August 11, 2016

The Leonard Family

Looking for John

In my last post I shared maps that indicate where the Leonard family lived in Prince George as well as maps showing the changing boundaries in the formation of the counties. Today I will share some finds about the Leonards in early Virginia. 

Above is a record found in Amelia County.

This is from the Land patents in early Virginia. Warrasquinoke would become Isle of Wight Virginia.

Could this be the grandparents of our John, the Elder found in Franklin County? 

Above record was found in Virginia Colonial Abstracts.

The following document was taken from Virginia Gleanings found in England. (two pages)

What does all this mean? I am not sure, yet. But I will continue to dig and see what I can find. 

On the news recently was a report about the descendants of a Union soldier that stole records during the war. The family returned the book to Charles City Virginia. They are in the process of restoration and digitizing these records. I am hoping that there will be more records for the Leonard family.

Thanks for stopping by!


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