A Walk with Ancestors

A Walk with Ancestors

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Peter Collins - son of James Collins

Peter Collins

My 4x great grandfather

Peter Collins was born in 1784 in Franklin County, North Carolina. We know that his father was James Collins, the Revolutionary War soldier. However, the identity of his mother is unknown. Because Temperance did not include him in the list of children on her application for widow's benefits or her will, most researcher believe that there was an earlier wife. No records of this marriage have been found.

UPDATE: Peter's mother was Priscilla Smart, the daughter of Peter Smart. Peter Smart left his grandson his land in Franklin County. His will was recorded in Chatham County.

James came to Franklin/Bute County, North Carolina from Isle of Wight, Virginia. Unfortunately this is a burned county and most of the earlier records have been lost. But, no one is giving up, we all continue to search. 

Peter was married to Patience. Online trees have her as Vinson and McKinney but there is no documentation on her maiden name. From Peter's will, we know his wife's first name was Patience. 

Peter and Patience had four children: 

  • Josiah Collins born in 1805, determined from the 1850 and 1860 Census) he was married to Frances/Fanny Vincent on 10 Jan 1827. On the 1850 Census they are listed with their 10 children.
  • Martha Collins born 1810, however the census records list her age inconsistently. In 1850 her age is 35, in 1860 her age is 40, in 1870 her age is 60 and in 1880 her age is still 60. Martha married Joseph Redding Bobbitt, the bond was issued 12 Jan 1841. Joseph died at the Battle of Richmond during the Civil War. They had four children. 
  • Priscilla Collins was born 2 Aug 1812. She married Green B. Carr 31 Jan 1842 in Franklin County, North Carolina. Green and Priscilla moved to Sparta Georgia. They had four children but only two are listed in Green's will, so I assume that they passed away earlier. Priscilla passed away 3 Apr 1853. Green passed away 23 Feb 1899. In his will he left 2,624 acres to his two children in 9 separate "Places". Priscilla and Green are buried in the Carr Family Cemetery in Sparta, Georgia.
  • James T. Collins was born 1813 and is my 3x great grandfather and his story was covered previously.

Peter passed away 26 Apr 1817 in Franklin County, North Carolina. He appointed his father the executor of his will. He also leaves instructions that  his lands are to be divided between his children.

This is Peter's will:

Peter Collins Will pg 1

Peter Collins Will pg 2

The following documents address the division of Peter's land:

Lots drawn 


I do not know where Peter was buried, if anyone does, please let me know. 

This concludes the posts concerning the children of James and Temperance Collins. 
It was quite a story that covered several states. 

Thanks for stopping by! 


More on the Children of James and Temperance Collins

Temperance (Tempy) Collins

Tempy was born 19 Jul 1803 in Franklin County, North Carolina to James and Temperance Collins. 

On 18 Feb 1832 a bond of marriage was issued to Bennett Stallings. 

They had the following children:
  • Solomon born 1827 and died 1865. From this date his death could be related to the Civil War.
  • Maria born 1827
  • Betsey born 1833
  • Wiley S. born 1833 and died Jul 1864 during the Civil War
  • William H born 1846 and possibly CSA
Unfortunately I have not found very much on the children to date. But will continue to search. 

Tempy appears in the 1850 Census:

1850 Federal Census
In the 1860 Bennett is living in the home of Willis

1860 Federal Census
Tempy passed away between 1850 and 1860.
I suppose it could be comforting to know that she did not have to endure the loss of her boys, as they passed away after her. 

A short life for Tempy but I am sure it was full. 

Thanks for stopping by!


Tuesday, March 29, 2016

More on the Children of James and Temperance Collins

George Washington Collins

George Washington Collins was born to James and Temperance on 12 Nov 1809 in Franklin County, North Carolina. He married Mary Polly Leonard, the daughter of Frederick and Elizabeth Leonard on 23 Nov 1830. 

George moved back and forth between Marshall Tennessee and Franklin County, North Carolina and finally settled in Booneville, Prentiss, Mississippi. 

In 1833 in appears that George has already gone to Mississippi. This is an Early Land Township Platt dated 1833 - Choctaw Meridian, Mississippi.

Township Platt

George W. Collins in the bottom right hand side of the land platt

He married twice. After Mary Polly passed away between 1850 and 1860, he married Mary Lerew in Tennessee. 

George had 8 children with Mary Polly Leonard: 

Ann J. Collins born in 1831 who married William S. Jackson on 5 Mar 1849.
Lucy J. Collins born 1834 who married Thomas J. Patterson on 8 Aug 1852.
Elizabeth Temperance Collins born 1836 who married William Wade on 8 Jun 1854.
James W. Collins born 1838 who married Almenta K. Cook on 24 Jun 1858.
Mary A. Collins born 1842 who married Alfred M. McConnell on 6 Feb 1861.
George Washington Collins Jr. born 1844 who married Georgia Ross on 30 Nov 1866.
John Thomas Collins born 1846.
Sarah Collins born 1849.

In the 1850 Census George and Mary are in Franklin County, North Carolina. On this census everyone in the household is listed as being born in North Carolina. 

1850 Federal Census North Carolina
In the 1860 Census, George is in Tennessee. By this date George has remarried and had another child, Elisha.

1860 Federal Census Tennessee
1860 Federal Census Tennessee pg 2

George died in Mississippi 11 Oct 1870. At that time he was a Dry Goods and Grocery Merchant. His son George was also living in Mississippi next to his father. George Jr was also a Dry Goods and Grocery Merchant. From this census we can also see that George Jr was born in Tennessee.

1870 Federal Census Mississippi
George's probate is listed in Mississippi and Tennessee. 

Where in Mississippi is Booneville?

Booneville, Mississippi is 150 miles from Marshall Tennessee. 

I do not know the burial place for George, but it must be in Mississippi. 

Hope you have enjoyed the story of George Washington Collins!

Next up is a rather short story for Tempy/Temperance Collins.


Sunday, March 27, 2016

More on the Children of James and Temperance Collins

Elisha Collins

ELISHA COLLINS was born 2 May 1807 and married Elizabeth McGregor 9 Jan 1830 in Maury, Tennessee. They had several children:

  • Sarah born 15 Jan 1831 - died 8 Mar 1900 in Texas
  • James W. born 15 Feb 1832 - died 8 Mar 1917 (a confederate soldier)
  • William F. born 1834 - died 13 Feb 1914
  • Willis born 8 Oct 1834 - died 1862
  • John T. born 26 Aug 1839 - died 25 May 1918 (a confederate soldier)
  • Patrick born 1845 - died 16 May 1864 (The Wilderness Va. - confederate soldier)
  • Leroy or Lee born 2 Sep 1841 - died 6 Apr 1925
  • Samuel Rufus born 1847 - died 1 Oct 1902 (confederate soldier)
  • Elisha Pain born 18 Sep 1850 - died 11 Dec 1862
  • George W. born Nov 1851- died ?

In the IRS tax assessment dated 1836 Elisha paid taxes on 72 and 1/2 acres. The value was listed at $525.

In the Federal Census in 1840 it was marked that Elisa and Elizabeth could not read or write.

The value of his real estate in 1860 (below)  was $12,000! He did well!!

1860 Census Record
(Keep in mind that census records do not always have birthdates correct.)

In the IRS tax assessment dated 1862 Elisha paid taxes on 426 acres. 

In the 1870 Census below, Elisha is 63 and Elizabeth is 62 years old. Four of their sons are living with them at home.

1870 Census
Property value is now $15,000!

He passed away a few years after this census but Elizabeth lived until 1893.

I still have George W., Tempy and Peter to cover.

Thanks for stopping by!!

Happy Easter!!


Saturday, March 26, 2016

More on the Children of James and Temperance Collins


JAMES, son of James Collins, was born 24 Jan 1802 in Franklin County, North Carolina. It appears that he too traveled to Georgia for a time. There he married Rebecca Carr on 21 Dec 1826 in Greene County, Georgia. There is discussion online about whether or not this is the correct Rebecca. We know from future documents that he is married to a Rebecca. However on census records the enumerator for the census records that she was born in North Carolina. Having seen that mistakes are made on census records, especially in the column for state they were born in, I am not going to say she was born in North Carolina. Why? During the ten year period, 1816 - 1826, Henry, Willis, and Jones are all in Georgia. So why isn't it possible that James was too? 

Let's look at the 1850 census:

1850 census Franklin County, North Carolina
If this is our James and Rebecca, everything fits; Rebecca Carr would have been born in 1808 and married in 1826. She would have been 42 in 1850. From James' probate records we know their son was William. But who is Matilda Collins???? She isn't their child, and 1820 is not a birth date for any of James' sisters. James' brother David had a daughter Matilda, could this be her? But the ages do not really fit. Another puzzle to ponder.

Let's look at 1860 census:

1860 census Franklin County, North Carolina
Later this year it appears that James passes away. His probate file has 1860 on it. In the file is a receipt for  a metallic burial case for $75, and the making of a shroud for $3.

Receipt for funeral

Receipt for medical services for James was in the file also.

Receipt for medical services

Rebecca is given $70 cash for a year's allowance.

Rebecca's allowance for one year

A.D. Williams is assigned guardian for William T. Collins.

Also in the file are receipts for clothing made for William. 
Receipt for clothing for W.T. 

J.F. Jones is the administrator for the estate. He is forced to collect on debts that were owed James and there are numerous attempts to obtain money from A.W. Pearce and Plummer D. Pearce. Eventually W.T. (William) is the highest bidder on the land of A.W. Pearce but because he did not comply with the terms of the sale the sale is considered to be void. This sale was 4 Sep 1869.

Why am I bringing this up?  Because on 19 Oct 1869, William marries Isadora Pearce, A.W. Pearce's daughter. A.W. Pearce is Plummer Pearce's brother. Plummer is my 3x great grandfather and the father of Doctor Buck Pearce from an earlier series of posts.

James had been administrator of the Bobbitt estate and J.F. Jones inherited the issues with that probate over 10 years later.

W.T. Collins has an interesting story too. But I will save that for another day.

Thanks for stopping by!


Friday, March 25, 2016

More on the Children of James and Temperance Collins

Sally Collins and Willis Leonard

SALLY/SARAH COLLINS daughter of James and Temperance Collins was born 28 Oct 1800.
Sarah married Willis S. Leonard, the son of Frederick and Elizabeth Leonard. They were married before 1830, I have found a record for a William Leonard and Rena Collins on 5 Feb 1823 that could be them. The record is a transcription and there is a possibility that it has errors. The date fits and the last names fit... Until an original record is viewed, we do not have a definite answer. 

In 1830 they appear to be living in Franklin County North Carolina and have one child under 5 years old. This is from a census entry.  

The story passed down is that in 1837 Sally and Willis set off for Georgia after a late harvest. Sally was pregnant at the time. After traveling 600 miles they arrived near present day Sparta, Georgia in January of 1838. Their fifth child, Doctor Bothwell Leonard, was born 16 Jan 1838. It was a difficult birth and fortunately a doctor was on hand to assist. The baby was named for the doctor. After a long recovery they resumed their trip and ended in the Gum Creek area of Georgia in early 1839. Later they bought a ticket from a neighbor for a land lottery and moved near Vienna, Georgia in Dooly County. 

Dooly County Georgia in Red on the state map. Vienna is red on the county map.

I can not find Sally and Willis in the 1840 Census, at least not yet. But they do appear in the 1850 Census.

What does this census tell us about Willis and Sarah? First thing I noticed was that all the children are listed as being born in Georgia. If that is the case, the 1830 census could still be accurate. Sarah and Willis were suppose to have five children. Could 2 older children, one a girl, have died or married before 1850. Something else to research.

Sadly both Willis and Sarah/Sally are reported to have passed away in 1853. 

Let's look at the children of Willis and Sarah. 

1860 Census
The 1860 census has James Frederick Leonard (AKA Jas F, Fed) and brother D.B. Leonard living together. AND Jas F. is listed as being born in North Carolina! 

James or Fed never married and passed away in 1880.

Mary Ann Leonard was born 31 May 1828. She married James Fleming on 15 Mar 1848.  In the 1870 Census she is listed as being born in North Carolina. So it is beginning to look like the 1850 census above is incorrect. James and Mary had three children; Mary, James, and  Emma.  Mary passed away 11 Nov 1877 and is buried in the Orange Hill Cemetery in Hawkinsville, Pulaski Georgia. 

Willis W Leonard was born about 1834. He passed away in 1853, the same year that Sarah and Willis passed away. 

I have read that another child was Patrick. But I have not found any information about him. He may have died young.

D.B. or Doctor Bothwell grew up to be a very successful man. In the 1870 census D.B. is single and listed as a merchant. In the 1880 census D.B. is a dry goods merchant. In 1900 census D.B. is listed as a money lender. 

Doctor B. enlisted in the confederate army 4 Mar 1862 and mustered out at Appomattox 9 Apr 1865.

D.B. returned to Georgia and married his business partner's daughter, Eva Lewis, on 19 Jan 1876, 
They had three daughters; Mary, Bertha, and Sallie.

Newspaper articles show D.B. was very involved in the business community of Vienna and Eva was active in the social scene. Here are a few that I found. 

Death of Eva's mother

D.B. passed away 17 Dec 1905 and is buried in Vienna Georgia.


I hope you have enjoyed today's story. The story of D.B. Leonard is quite a story! There is much more to his story, maybe another day I will write about him again. 

Thanks for stopping by!!!


Thursday, March 24, 2016

More on the Children of James and Temperance Collins

Jones Collins

JONES was born 28 Jun 1797. Jones served in the War of 1812. He was involved in the Seminole war in Florida.

 He received two land bounties and settled in Marshall County, Tennessee.

 He married Sophronia Wright in Greene County, Georgia on 3 May 1819. They had six children.
 (Mary Frances, Sarah, John, Isaac,David and Martha.)

Here is the 1850 Census for Jones and Sophia. Notice it states that Jones was born in NC and Sophia was born in Va. In 1850 they have all the children living with them. Lucinda is also listed in other documents as Martha.

 His probate was in Apr of 1889 so we can assume that he passed away around 1888 in Tennessee.

The following information is from:  Goodspeed Biographical Appendix- Marshall County (may contain errors)
The Goodspeed History of Maury, Williamson, Rutherford, Wilson, Bedford, Marshall Counties of Tennessee. The Goodspeeds History of Tennessee, 1886.

DAVID COLLINS is a son of Jones Collins, who was born in 1791 in North Carolina.  The mother, Sophia (Wright) Collins, was born in 1798, in Georgia.  The father participated in the war of 1812, and in 1832 came to Marshall County, Tenn.  He is a Jacksonian Democrat, and at the breaking out of the late war led some fourteen of his children and grandchildren to the front.  He has always followed farming, and at one time was one of the most extensive land owners in the county.  In 1875 the mother died.  The father is now (1886) ninety-four years old and enjoys good health.  The Collins family were among the earliest settlers of the county and are of Scotch-Irish descent.  David Collins was born March 16, 1827, in Georgia.  He had good educational advantages but did not improve them, which fact he has always regretted.  At the age of seventeen he enlisted to serve in the Mexican war, and after a short service had his leg shattered by an ounce ball at Monterey, disabling him for further service.  After he returned home he clerked, farmed, and at the age of twenty-two began operating the Allen Leper Mills.  In 1853 he wedded Margaret Glenn, and to them were born five sons.  Mr. Collins is a Democrat and the owner of 175 acres of land.  His son, John C. Collins, was born September 15, 1858, in Marshall County.  His rudimentary education was obtained in the common schools, and later he finished his education at Culleoka.  After his return he kept several fine horses for about three years.  In 1883 he came to Gill’s Chapel and opened a grocery store in an old log house, his capital being $300.  By good management he has built a new store-room, a nice frame residence and has increased his stock of goods many fold.  He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church South and is a Republican in politics.
David, son of Jones, is buried in Mount Carmel Cemetery in Lewisburg, Marshall County, Tennessee. He died 8 Aug 1906.

David and Margaret's children:

  • James Jones - (1855-1917)
  • John Calvin - (1858 - 1929)
  • William David - (1862 - 1954)
  • David M. (1863 - 1939)
  • Alexander Holmes (1867 - 1934)
Thanks for stopping by! 

Tomorrow will be more of the children of James and Temperance Collins.


Wednesday, March 23, 2016

More on the Children of James and Temperance Collins

Henry Collins

HENRY was born 18 Dec 1795. Henry served in the 30th Regiment (Johnson’s) East Tennessee Militia during the war of 1812 and reached the rank of Sergeant.

 While he was in Georgia he met and married Frances Martin from Oglethorpe County, Georgia. They must have married around 1820. Henry and Frances settled in Marshall County, Tennessee. They had three children. (Mary Magdalean, James, and Willis) Frances passed away 26 Dec 1841.

 In 1843 Henry married Nancy Elvira Cunningham Sheppard. Nancy had been married to O.P. Sheppard and had a son Lawrence. O.P. seemed to have disappeared. Nancy is listed as head of household in 1840 and believed to be a widow. After she married Henry, Oliver P. Sheppard returns to find her married to Henry. Circuit and Chancery Court records indicate that her marriage was dissolved to Oliver. Oliver took their son and went off to Mississippi where he remarried, had two more children, and died on a River boat. Henry and Nancy had a son Henry L. Henry passed away 17 Sep 1860 in Marshall County, Tennessee. 

The following information is from:  Goodspeed Biographical Appendix- Marshall County 
The Goodspeed History of Maury, Williamson, Rutherford, Wilson, Bedford, Marshall Counties of Tennessee. The Goodspeeds History of Tennessee, 1886.

HENRY COLLINS, one of the prosperous farmers of Marshall County, Tenn., was born September 28, 1845.  His early education was wholly neglected, but he has overcome this deficiency by study during his leisure moments, and now has a fair general education.  In 1863 he volunteered in Forrest’s command Eleventh Tennessee Cavalry and after serving two years and receiving a slight wound he returned home and resumed farming.  In 1866 he wedded Fannie Collins, by whom he had ten children, eight of whom are living.  He is a Democrat and owns a 330-acre farm, one of the best in the county.  He takes great pride in raising fine Holstien cattle, and some of his animals are the best in the county.  His parents, Henry and Nancy E. (Cunningham) Collins, had both been married previous to their union.  The father was married to Fannie Martin, by whom he had nine children, and the mother’s first husband was O. P. Sheppard, by whom she had one child.  Our subject, Henry Collins, is the only child born to their union.  The father was a native of North Carolina, and moved from there to Georgia, thence to Tennessee in 1826.  He was a Democrat and farmer and died in 1861, followed by his widow a year later.


BIRTH: 11 SEP 1821
DEATH: 6 MAR 1860

JAMES son of Henry
Birth: 27 Dec 1825
Death: 23 Jul 1844
Memphis, Pickett County, Alabama

WILLIS son of Henry
Birth : 26 Jan 1828
Death: 9 Jan 1847
Returning from Monterrey Mexico, Willis died in Iago Texas

Next post is on Jones Collins.

Thanks for stopping by!


Tuesday, March 22, 2016

More on the Children of James and Temperance Collins

Wilson, John, David, Polly and Patsy Collins

WILSON COLLINS was born 9 Jun 1787. Wilson settled in Barbour County Alabama. He married Elizabeth Early the daughter of Jesse Early. She died before 1839. They had several children. (Munford, Hart, Adaline, Sarah, Lucy, Martha, Loupe, Albert) 

Wilson served in the 2nd Regiment (Jenkins) Georgia Militia during the war of 1812 as a private. 

He obtained a Homestead or Cash patent for land in 1830, as shown below.

Name:Wilson Collins
Land Office:Sparta
Document Number:1191
Total Acres:79.87
Canceled Document:No
Issue Date:1 Dec 1830
Mineral Rights Reserved:No
Metes and Bounds:No
Statutory Reference:3 Stat. 566
Multiple Warantee Names:No
Act or Treaty:April 24, 1820
Multiple Patentee Names:No
Entry Classification:Sale-Cash Entries
Land Description:1 E½NW ST STEPHENS No 10N 25E 26

On 10 Mar 1839 Wilson married Betsey Beasley. After 16 months she left him and is believed to have gone to Texas. 10 years later Wilson divorced Betsey. 

There are several vouchers for the sale of cattle, flour, meal, sugar, tallow candles and soap that are in the files for the Civil War, that Wilson sold to the Confederate Army. There also one for hauling the baggage for Colonel Brooks.

 Wilson passed away 1 Dec 1875 in Louisville, Barbour County, Alabama. 

JOHN was born 28 Jun 1790. There is an index for John Collins’ service in the war of 1812 but he did not request a pension. It appears that John passed away sometime between 1817 and 1818.

DAVID was born 25 Oct 1791. David married Martha Patsy Leonard the daughter of Frederick and Elizabeth Leonard. David and Patsy remained in Franklin County, North Carolina where they had eight children. (Henry, Matilda, Elizabeth, Sarah/Sally, Mary Ann, Penny, Albert and David Jr.).  David passed away 1 Jan 1861.

POLLY was born 2 Jan 1793 and PATSY was born 7 Jun 1794, at this time this is all I know about them. 

Come back tomorrow for more of the story.

Thanks for stopping by!!


Monday, March 21, 2016

The Children of James and Temperance Collins

The Children of James and Temperance Collins

James and Temperance had 16 children together. James had Peter with an unknown wife. Due to the birth dates of James and Durram Collins, most researchers, assume that there was another woman involved. Hopefully one day someone will discover the truth. 

Since Peter is my direct line, I plan to devote an entire post to just him in the future. 

We know from land records and James' own testimony in 1832, that James left Isle of Wight Virginia and settled in present day Franklin County, North Carolina. Historians have speculated that the reason for this trend of immigration was the area in the eastern parts of Virginia was becoming crowed and the soil depleted from over farming. Whatever James' motivation was, he left Virginia and came to North Carolina. During this period of transition James served in the colonial militia and fought in the American Revolutionary War. 

While James was building his home and family in North Carolina, Third President, Thomas Jefferson made the Louisiana Purchase (1803) that doubled the size of the United States.  Louis and Clark was exploring the west. (1804).  The United States declared war on Britain, the War of 1812. Britain captured Washington and burned the White House and the Capitol. (Aug 1814).

Most of James' sons served in some capacity during the War of 1812. Maybe it was the war or other events in the United States, land bounties, the large number of siblings, or James' influence that caused James' children to set out for different parts of the country. Records indicate that they went to Georgia, Kentucky, Alabama, and Tennessee. Records also indicate they did not go alone, but with some of the Leonards from Franklin County. It is through these records we can tell their stories. There is information missing but hopefully we will learn more about their lives as more records are discovered.

Their first son DURRAM or Durham was born 25 Dec 1784. Durram made his life in Maury County, Tennessee. (Maury County would become Marshall County)  He married Polly Weaver and she passed away in 1814. In Durram’s pension file for the War of 1812, he states that he fought in the Indian Wars under Andrew Patterson, the General was Andrew Jackson.  He served 24 Sep 1813 – 24 Dec 1813. He was described as 5 ft 8 or 10 inches, light hair, gray eyes and light complexion.  In October of 1816 he married Rebecca Horton. His children were; James, John, Sally, Mary, Elizabeth, Susannah, Parralie, Rebecca and Martha. Durram passed away 20 Nov 1833. James Osborn became the guardian for the minor children. Although he lived in Tennessee his probate records are in Franklin County, North Carolina.

Durram was in Maury County Tennessee by 1820 when he appears on their state census.
Polly has passed away and Durram has remarried, in the household there are 3 males under the age of 10, 1 female under the age of 16 and 2 females between the ages of 16 and 26. Durram was 26-45.
Exploring the pages before and after Durram in the census, I did not see any of the other children of James. However in 1830; Durram, Holland, and Willis are listed on the same page. 

WILLIS was born 15 Feb 1786. Willis served in the 4th Regiment (Rowland’s) North Carolina Militia during the war of 1812. He married Phebe Martin, a girl from Virginia.  They lived for a time in Georgia before settling in Marshall County, Tennessee. They had four children. (Thomas, Sarah, William, Temperance) Willis died 24 Nov 1854 and is believed to be buried on the Old Wheatley Farm in Marshall County, Tennessee.

Willis' daughter Sarah

Willis' daughter - Tempie

Willis' son - William

The following information is from:  Goodspeed Biographical Appendix- Marshall County 
The Goodspeed History of Maury, Williamson, Rutherford, Wilson, Bedford, Marshall Counties of Tennessee. The Goodspeeds History of Tennessee, 1886.

There may be errors in this passage; but I am sharing it as it was written. 

THOMAS COLLINS, farmer, of Marshall County, Tenn., and son of Willis and Phoebe (Martin) Collins, is one of nine children and was born in the State of Georgia July 27, 1818.  He was reared on a farm, and his early education was wholly and needlessly neglected.  He was married at an early age, being only nineteen when he and Sarah Childs were united in marriage.  Of the six children born to them only two are living:  W. P. and Fannie.  Since his marriage he has followed agricultural pursuits, and at one time was the owner of nearly 800 acres of land, the greater part of which he has given to his children.  In 1884 his wife died, and, after living with his children a year, he was married to Mrs. Nancy E. (Clark) Judia.  Previous to the war Mr. Collins was a Whig; since that time he has not cast a party vote.  He has been a resident of Marshall County some thirty years, and has the confidence and respect of all who know him.  Our subject’s father and mother were born in North Carolina and Virgina, respectively, and were married in Georgia.  The father was an overseer in the latter State, and came to Tennessee in 1826, where he became the possessor of nearly 1,000 acres of land.  He was a soldier under Jackson, and in politics was an old-line Whig.  He died in 1854.  The mother lived to be about eighty-four years of age.

Tom Collins

Tom and Sarah Collins

WILLIS P. COLLINS is the son of Thomas Collins (above written) and was raised on a farm in Giles County, Tenn., where he was born November 11, 1845.  He received a common school education and like his father choose the free and independent life of a farmer.  In 1866 he married Margaret Smith, who died in 1874, leaving four children.  In 1875 he married Hannah G. Beard and to them were born five children.  Mr. Collins and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church South.  His first wife belonged to the Christian Church.  After his first marriage Mr. Collins resided on a farm given him by his father until 1871 when he located on a farm of 257 acres where he now resides.  He is considered one of the skillful farmers of the county and is a man who commands the respect of all.

HOLLAND, son of James and Temperance was born 17 Oct 1788. Holland served as a private in Warner’s Company Tennessee as mounted militia.  He married Caty Edwards on 17 Mar 1818 in Logan Kentucky. Holland settled with his brothers in Marshall County, Tennessee. He passed away in 1845.

Come back tomorrow for more of the story......

Thanks for stopping by!
