A Walk with Ancestors

A Walk with Ancestors

Saturday, March 26, 2016

More on the Children of James and Temperance Collins


JAMES, son of James Collins, was born 24 Jan 1802 in Franklin County, North Carolina. It appears that he too traveled to Georgia for a time. There he married Rebecca Carr on 21 Dec 1826 in Greene County, Georgia. There is discussion online about whether or not this is the correct Rebecca. We know from future documents that he is married to a Rebecca. However on census records the enumerator for the census records that she was born in North Carolina. Having seen that mistakes are made on census records, especially in the column for state they were born in, I am not going to say she was born in North Carolina. Why? During the ten year period, 1816 - 1826, Henry, Willis, and Jones are all in Georgia. So why isn't it possible that James was too? 

Let's look at the 1850 census:

1850 census Franklin County, North Carolina
If this is our James and Rebecca, everything fits; Rebecca Carr would have been born in 1808 and married in 1826. She would have been 42 in 1850. From James' probate records we know their son was William. But who is Matilda Collins???? She isn't their child, and 1820 is not a birth date for any of James' sisters. James' brother David had a daughter Matilda, could this be her? But the ages do not really fit. Another puzzle to ponder.

Let's look at 1860 census:

1860 census Franklin County, North Carolina
Later this year it appears that James passes away. His probate file has 1860 on it. In the file is a receipt for  a metallic burial case for $75, and the making of a shroud for $3.

Receipt for funeral

Receipt for medical services for James was in the file also.

Receipt for medical services

Rebecca is given $70 cash for a year's allowance.

Rebecca's allowance for one year

A.D. Williams is assigned guardian for William T. Collins.

Also in the file are receipts for clothing made for William. 
Receipt for clothing for W.T. 

J.F. Jones is the administrator for the estate. He is forced to collect on debts that were owed James and there are numerous attempts to obtain money from A.W. Pearce and Plummer D. Pearce. Eventually W.T. (William) is the highest bidder on the land of A.W. Pearce but because he did not comply with the terms of the sale the sale is considered to be void. This sale was 4 Sep 1869.

Why am I bringing this up?  Because on 19 Oct 1869, William marries Isadora Pearce, A.W. Pearce's daughter. A.W. Pearce is Plummer Pearce's brother. Plummer is my 3x great grandfather and the father of Doctor Buck Pearce from an earlier series of posts.

James had been administrator of the Bobbitt estate and J.F. Jones inherited the issues with that probate over 10 years later.

W.T. Collins has an interesting story too. But I will save that for another day.

Thanks for stopping by!


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