A Walk with Ancestors

A Walk with Ancestors

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

What's Your Number?

Analysis of Your Family Tree

Not a story today, but a question for those of you working on your family tree, What is your number??

Yesterday, Ancestry.com posted a new video on YouTube. They do this often and if you don't subscribe, you might want to check these videos out. I find them very useful. 

So, yesterday's video was titled "What's Your Number" and gives you a pretty neat way to look at your family tree. It really opened my eyes to the holes in my tree!

Another benefit of this video is that it gives you a suggestion on how to use your DNA test and possible cousins to break down brick walls. 

If you would like to see the video here is the link:

 I would love to know your number and if you would like to share, post it in the comments below. 

Out of 1023 possible people in my direct line for 10 generations, my number is only 216!! 

I was doing okay with my numbers until I got to my 5xs great grandparents, then I kinda fell apart!

What does this do for me? Well, it tells me where I need to be researching. 

I have to remind myself that I only picked up genealogy research again 6 months ago. So, my glass is half full... not really, but I see progress.

Gerald and Ann - if you are reading this, What's your number??? 

Thanks for stopping by!!


Oh, I got off track a bit and started looking into the children of James Collins and found some really interesting stories that I will share as soon as I finish the children. With 17 children to look into, it is taking some time!

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