A Walk with Ancestors

A Walk with Ancestors

Monday, February 29, 2016

Bute County 1767-1779

Discoveries in the Minutes of Court Pleas and Quarter Sessions

Each generation back into the family tree doubles our number of direct ancestors. So, during this time period I should have 64 people to find. I haven't found them all but I have discovered several. 

Last week I started reading this index page by page. I have only made it through half of the index but have found the following entries. I started about half way through the index because of match on Ancestry.com. I need to start at the beginning to complete the list.

  • Stephen Gupton and Ann acknowledge a deed to John Hoof - 9 Nov 1774
  • A deed from Mark Bennett to Stephen Gupton; witness James Gupton 9 Nov 1774
  • Charles Allen executor of John Timms - account of sale  9 Nov 1774
  • David Vinson deed to Martha Graves - 15 Feb 1775
  • Members of grand jury - 10 May 1775; Benjamin Westry. 12 May 1775; Benjamin Wester
  • Stephen Gupton witness to Last Will and Testament of Benjamin Cooper 12 Feb 1777
  • A deed from Ephraim Gillam to John Leonard 12 Feb 1777
  • Oath in said state Captain Charles Allen 14 May 1777
  • Arthur Murphy acknowledge deed to James Murphy 12 Nov 1777
  • A deed from William Walker to James Murphy 12 Nov 1777
  • The Last Will and Testament of Daniel Pegrem; witness John Rodwell 12 Nov 1777
  • Stephen Gupton appointed constable 12 Feb 1778
  • Christopher Strother acknowledge deed to James Murphy 11 Nov 1778
  • Isham Grant acknowledged deed to Stephen Gupton 9 Feb 1779
  • Stephen Gupton acknowledged deed to Isham Grant 9 Feb 1779
  • James Coppedege vs Benjamin Wester - found for the plaintiff and assess damages to one penny and cost 13 May 1779
  • James Huckaby vs Thomas House - trespass assault and battery - defendant not guilty.
  • Charles Allen acknowledge deed to James Ransom.
A community note of importance:
     Deed from Jacob Bass to the Baptist Society of Sandy Creek. witness David Walker 8 Nov 1774

Why are these entries important? Each one tells more of their story and proves residence and the index also gives another source to explore. 

The community members lives intersect over and over as they prepare for war and during the American Revolutionary War. 

I am looking forward to reading more of this index to see what else I can discover. 

Thanks for stopping by!


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