A Walk with Ancestors

A Walk with Ancestors

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Luther Martin West

Luther Martin West and Katie Louise Pearce

My Great Grandfather and Great Grandmother

 Luther was born to William Robert West and Elizabeth Greenway on September 2, 1883 and Kate was born to Doctor Buck Pearce and Carolina Virginia Gupton on April 8, 1885.

From Luther's death certificate we know that he was born in Granville County. But on the 1890 Census he is listed as living in the household of his older brother and his widowed father in Franklin County, North Carolina. 

Kate's family had been residents of Franklin County for several generations. 

Kate and Luther married on February 22, 1905 at her parents' home. 

In the 1910 Census Kate and Luther have one child, Iva. Living in the household with them are Luther's brothers, Sol and Robert Jr. 

In the next entry of the 1910 Census we find Luther's aunt, Ada and her husband Edward Moore living on the same property. Also living in their household is Luther, Sol, Robert Jr, and Ada's father - Robert West.

This pattern of sharing their home is seen on several census records.
In 1917 Luther had to register for the draft for World War I. Wonder why he listed his birth two years earlier?? 

In the 1920 Census, Luther and Katie have added 5 more children. Zeffie and Sol, Luther's sister and brother are sharing the household. There is also an aunt listed living with them.

In the 1930 Census, Sol is listed as head of household with his wife Annie. Luther and Kate are listed as brother and sister-in-law. Luther and Kate's children are listed as nephews and nieces. They have a boarder staying with them at this time. Another difference on this census, Luther's occupation has changed from farmer to merchant. He was running a small community store in White Level.

In the 1940 Census, the last published census, Luther and Kate are living with their son Douglas.

From other entries on this census, Luther's brother Sol and his family are living close by. Luther and Kate's son, Graham, is also just a few houses away.

Kate passed away April 2, 1959 and Luther followed her a few years later on November 4, 1963.
They are buried in the White Level Baptist Church cemetery. When Luther passed he had 14 grandchildren according to his obituary. 

Luther and Kate

A few family pictures:

Iva, Nina and Gary son of Iva

Luther and Kate

Luther and Kate

Doug and Drucilla

Douglas West

When I was very young Uncle Doug put a sweet potato in my Trick-or-Treat bag.
I know I will never forget that!!

Graham West

Uncle Sol

I hope you enjoyed meeting Luther and Kate West. 
Thanks for stopping by!


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