A Walk with Ancestors

A Walk with Ancestors

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Recent Discoveries

Discoveries Close to Home

Yesterday I visited the Franklin County, Virginia Historical Museum and bought a new Hildebrand or Settlers Map. While I was there I purchased a bundle of Franklin County's "Yesterday and Today" publications. When I got home and looked through them I found pictures of some of the Hunts and Allmans.

 I have framed the map and will create an ancestor wall in the family room downstairs. I recently started redoing the area and I am thinking that it would be a great place to display family pictures over the ages, as well as other items.

This led to today's discoveries. I started digging into boxes and found lots of pictures that Gary had put into a box. Portraits of grandparents, parents, and others were in that box. 

I am suppose to be cleaning the house for Cathy's family to visit this weekend but really got sidetracked! Does that happen to any of you?? 

While I was looking around I discovered that Gary had also bought some publications from the historical society. I was doing a happy dance when I discovered two books; Abstracts of the Eighteenth Century Deed Books Franklin County Virginia - volumes I, II, III, covering 1786 - 1799. 

In addition to these two books were several booklets published by the Franklin County Bicentennial Commission. 

I know that there are more of these books around the house somewhere. I remember looking at them years ago. When I moved, I boxed them up, now I have to find them again. As hard as it will be to put it on the back burner, I have to go back to cleaning and straightening. I can't wait to see Cathy's family and hang out with my grandson! 

So, I will be taking a few days off blogging and spend time with them. I should be back next week with more stories and discoveries, like the ones I found last night online... 

Thanks for stopping by!


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